Porcelain veneers: FAQ

Autore: Dr Sheraz Aleem
Editor: Aoife Maguire

Porcelain veneers are becoming increasingly popular, as people crave the perfect smile. esteemed cosmetic dentist Dr Sheraz Aleem answers your frequently asked questions about the dental treatment. 




What are porcelain veneers?


Porcelain and ceramic veneers are basically the same, but people often get confused between the two. There are several different types of ceramic veneers available, including Emax, Felspathic and Zirconia. Typically, the majority of veneers are Emax, which is a block of ceramic, milled or pressed.


The advantages are that appear very natural; they are made of powder porcelain, and hand-made by the technician. However, they are no longer being used because they require a lot of time, energy and skill. Nowadays, people tend to do digital designs because they are easier and more cost-effective.



Why do people get porcelain veneers?


Porcelain veneers are extremely popular, alongside composite bonding, and have been a popular choice in the USA for years. People choose to get porcelain veneers because they are searching for a change of shape and colour: to make their teeth look brighter, and/or to fix their teeth are crowded or have gaps.



Do I have to shave down my teeth?


The decision to shave down teeth for veneers is up to the doctor. The majority of dentists will shave down the teeth. In our clinic, we do not cut the teeth at all; 95%-98% of our cases are non-prep.


The veneers look fantastic because they are thin, not bulky, and are prepared by a specialist ceramist, in order to produce the best possible veneers for our patients.



Do you need injection?


No injection is required, because there is no preparation. This means that there is no long-term damage to tooth structure


What about the 2% of the veneers that are prepared by you?


The majority of the cases that we treat do not require preparation. They may require preparation in a case where space needs to be created due to a little twist in the tooth. I do not use injections, and if I need to move teeth, I will do so through using an orthodontic appliance such as Invisalign, before doing the veneers.


It is important to note that non-prep veneers are reversible, meaning that if you change your mind about veneers, and no longer want them, they can be removed and the teeth underneath will not be affected.


How do we remove veneers?


We use a laser to remove veneers, as this is the best way method to do so. We also use the laser to remove existing veneers before replacing them with new veneers, again without any damage.


Each veneer is hand-made by our master ceramist in California, who is one of the only 37 Master Ceramists accredited by the AACD in the world.




If you are considering getting veneers, and would like to book a consultation with Dr Aleem, do not hesitate to do so by visiting his Top Doctors profile here today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Sheraz Aleem
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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