Prostate cancer: causes and warning signs

Autore: Mr Petr Holy
Editor: Robert Smith

Mr Petr Holy is a consultant urological surgeon in Kingston upon Thames who we recently caught up with to find out more about prostate cancer.

man with prostate cancer


We spoke with him to discuss the main causes of this disease and the signs and symptoms.

What causes prostate cancer?

We don’t know entirely because prostate cancer exists only in patients that have testosterone. Women are at lower risk. Here are some risk factors that may be familiar associations within family or genetic factors but we don’t know entirely what starts the process.

It’s quite a common condition many patients have very low-risk condition and they may not be very aware of that and it may even be half the population above 55 at risk.

Family history is the strongest risk factor for prostate cancer, racial factors also impact as some races are more predisposed than others. 9 out of 10 cases are through hereditary disease and other risk factors associated with prostate cancer are either obesity, diabetes, dietary factors, alcohol, dairy products or fats.

Studies show that soy consumption may lower the risk of prostate cancer by lowering PSA levels. High or low levels of vitamin D levels are a risk factor. It is known that high consumption of alcohol and red meat is associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

If you are balding you may be at higher risk. Currently, smoking is also associated with higher risk and a number of factors that were previously linked. Vasectomy and some use of aspirin and non-steroidal drugs also increase the risk.

Other factors that impact some people are:

  • mainly dependant on age.
  • genetic factors associated with aggressive prostate cancer.
  • environmental factors also influence the rates of prostate cancer.

Vitamin e or selenium do not prevent it. Testosterone therapy in men with testosterone deficiency does not appear to increase prostate cancer risk.

What are the warning signs of prostate cancer?

There are no obvious clinical signs of prostate cancer. That aim is to diagnose it quickly and on time so that you can offer a most effective treatment. However, at the early stages the cancer has no clear symptoms whatsoever. However, if the prostate cancer has progressed and is advanced and causing issues, it may present with pain, difficulties to pass urine and may cause blockage of kidneys preventing with renal function, metazoic stress to bone and fracture pain.

We would need to determine if it is early or late stage. In early cases it's typically silent. The only way to select males that are in high risk is either blood tests that check the measures the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). We check hereditary predisposition, if a third-degree relative has it or if at least 2 relatives who developed it before the age of 55.

So, if either you have 2 relatives that have been diagnosed with it before 55 or if you have elevated PCA levels on blood tests.

For prostate cancer screening you may like to get in contact with a leading urological surgeon such as Mr Petr Holy. Visit his Top Doctors profile today for more information.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Mr Petr Holy

Mr Petr Holy

Petr Holy è consulente in chirurgia urologica a Kingston upon Thames , specializzato in urologia pediatrica e sintomi del tratto urinario inferiore maschile .

Le sue aree di competenza comprendono la diagnosi del carcinoma prostatico con fusione a RM mirata alla biopsia prostatica transperineale . Può consigliare il trattamento del protone per il cancro alla prostata e facilitare il trattamento nel Centro di terapia protonica di Praga. Per ridurre il rischio di complicanze legate al trattamento del cancro alla prostata, può introdurre il dispositivo SpaceOAR.

Il suo interesse professionale è quello di fornire un trattamento minimamente invasivo per la gestione dei sintomi legati all'allargamento prostatico benigno, ovvero REZUM o UROLIFT.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST)
    Allungamento del pene (Falloplastica)
    Circoncisione adulti
    Laparoscopia urologica
    Oncologia urologica
    Urologia geriatrica
    Trapianto renale
    Frenulo corto
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