Robotic knee replacement surgery: how effective is it?

Autore: Mr Fahad Gulam Attar
Editor: Conor Lynch

In one of today’s articles, we discuss the advantages of robotic knee replacement surgery when compared with non-robotic knee replacement surgery, as revered consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Fahad Gulam Attar, also reveals how successful robotic knee replacement surgery generally is.

What advantages does robotic knee replacement surgery offer compared to traditional methods?

Robotic knee replacement surgery allows us to get the placement of the implants absolutely perfectly in the correct position. We also get both the rotation and alignment in perfect positions. This type of surgery is performed with minimal error.


There is a higher chance of errors occurring when traditional non-robotic knee replacement surgery is performed.


Are there any disadvantages when it comes to robotic knee replacement?

There are no disadvantages, drawbacks, nor risks associated with robotic knee replacement surgery.


How successful is robotic knee replacement surgery?

From the early data that we have seen, we are convinced that the alignment, positioning, and implants are all much more improved compared to traditional knee replacement surgery.


What advice do you give patients to ensure a good recovery following robotic knee replacement surgery?

We always tell patients that, before the operation, they need to exercise regularly, and that they try to keep their knee joint as mobile as possible, as this has a huge bearing on the recovery after surgery.


After surgery, they really need to start working hard with a physiotherapist, which will allow them to slowly regain their range of motion, as well as developing and regaining their muscle strength.


Mr Fahad Gulam Attar is an exceptionally well-regarded consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who is an expert in relation to performing both robotic and traditional knee replacement surgery. Check out his Top Doctors profile today in order to schedule an appointment with him

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Mr Fahad Gulam Attar

Fahad Attar è un consulente traumatologo e chirurgo ortopedico specializzato in procedure di trattamento del ginocchio. Con cliniche nella Greater Manchester e nel Cheshire , il sig. Attar tratta una vasta gamma di pazienti, da giovani adulti con artrite del ginocchio e atleti con lesioni sportive a pazienti più anziani che necessitano di una sostituzione del ginocchio o dell'anca. Attar si avvale di procedure innovative come il resurfacing del ginocchio e la chirurgia del trapianto meniscale per migliorare il dolore e la funzionalità dei suoi pazienti.

Dopo essersi diplomato con un MBBB all'Università di Liverpool nel 1999, il Sig. Attar ha continuato a completare l'addestramento chirurgico di base in Merseyside ed è diventato membro del Royal College of Surgeons nel 2004. Ha trascorso due anni in centri di fama mondiale tra cui il centro ortopedico Nuffield. nel centro ortopedico Oxford and Holland, all'ospedale Sunnybrook di Toronto dopo aver completato il trauma specialistico e la formazione ortopedica, e nel 2009 ha ottenuto il suo esame di specialista interconciliato FRCS (Tr & Orth).

Il Sig. Attar è particolarmente interessato all'istruzione, in quanto istruttore ATLS ed ex esaminatore per studenti di medicina presso l'Università di Toronto. È revisore del Knee Journal e membro dell'Associazione britannica per la chirurgia del ginocchio.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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