Unconventional ways to relieve back pain

Autore: Mr Awaiz Ahmed
Editor: Kate Forristal

While we often hear about the usual treatments like pain meds and physical therapy, there are some lesser-known methods that could actually help you feel better. In his latest online article, Mr Awaiz Ahmed gives us his insights into back pain

Mind-body connection:

Therapy yoga, an ancient practice that combines gentle movements with breathing exercises, could be a different way to manage back pain. The stretching and strengthening from yoga can make you more flexible, help with your posture, and ease tension in your back muscles. Studies suggest that regular yoga can really reduce chronic back pain by helping you relax and deal with stress better.


Aquatic therapy:

If you're looking for something easier on your body, aquatic therapy could be a good choice. Being in water takes pressure off your joints while still giving your muscles a workout. It's also good for improving how you move and getting your blood flowing. With the guidance of a trained therapist, you can do aquatic therapy sessions that can help with healing and lessen your pain.



Acupuncture is an old Chinese practice where thin needles are put into certain points on your body to help your energy flow better. While we're still figuring out exactly how it works, it seems to help with back pain by releasing natural chemicals that ease pain and improve blood flow. Acupuncture aims to balance both your physical and energy issues causing your pain.


Mindfulness meditation:

Mindfulness meditation is about focusing on the present moment and not judging it. It's been found to help people deal with long-lasting pain, including back pain. By paying close attention to your body's feelings without freaking out, you can actually change how much pain you feel. This type of meditation seems to change your brain activity, making it easier to manage pain and handle it better.


Alexander technique:

The alexander technique teaches you how to have better posture and movement. It's like unlearning bad habits that make your back hurt. By retraining your body to move more efficiently, you can take the strain off your muscles and joints and feel better in the long run.


Herbal remedies:

People have used certain herbs to ease pain and reduce swelling. Ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and devil's claw have natural anti-inflammatory effects that can help your body heal. Adding these herbs to your diet or using them as creams could give you extra relief alongside regular treatments.


Back pain doesn't have to rule your life. We've looked at some unique ways to handle it beyond the usual treatments. From ancient practices like yoga and acupuncture to more modern options like aquatic therapy and mindfulness meditation, there are plenty of choices to explore on your journey to feeling better. Remember to talk to healthcare pros before trying any new ways to manage pain, so you get the best results.


Mr Awaiz Ahmed is a highly respected consultant spinal surgeon with over 25 years of experience. You can book an appointment with Mr Ahmed on his Top Doctors profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Awaiz Ahmed

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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