UTIs in children: here's what you should know

Autore: Mr Andrew Robb
Editor: Conor Lynch

In this article below, Mr Andrew Robb, a highly experienced consultant paediatric urologist, outlines the various signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections in children, and tells us how they can be prevented and most effectively managed.

What are the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children?

There are a wide range of symptoms and no two children are the same. Some people find that their child may start to have wetting accidents, blood in the urine, pain, temperatures, babies may not feed, and that they are not able to hold in their pee.


What causes UTIs in children?

The main things that make young people more likely to suffer from UTIs are poor hygiene, constipation, and a bladder that does not function properly. There are also various conditions that can lead to UTIs in children. These include:


  • Vesicoureteral reflux
  • A bladder that does not work properly due to the nerve supply
  • Bowel problems from birth


What preventive measures can be taken?

I normally recommend that parents ensure as best they can that their child is going to the bathroom frequently throughout the day, and making sure that they don’t rush when using the bathroom in order to empty their bladder completely. They also need to drink plenty, but it’s important to avoid things like blackcurrant, which is a bladder irritant.


If they’ve got problems with their bowel, their poo should be nice and soft. If this isn’t the case, they need to get this treated. Some people find probiotics helpful for this.


How are urinary tract infections treated in children, and what factors are considered in determining the appropriate treatment approach?

The most important thing is to treat the infection itself, which might be through antibiotics. They may need some investigations such as an ultrasound scan just to see if something serious is going on. If a child is suffering from recurring infections, they need to be investigated to see what the underlying cause is.


They may need to undergo a specific kidney scan to see how healthy the kidneys are. Other tests such as a bladder diary and urine flow rate tests may be required too. If these investigations show any problems, rehabilitating the bladder is then required. There may be underlying conditions that are causing the infections, and these are normally treated with probiotics.


What are the potential complications of a long-term untreated UTI in children?

Kidney damage and kidney scarring can occur. High blood pressure and/or kidneys that stop working altogether are other long-term complications. UTIs can also really affect a child’s self-confidence, which can adversely affect their development and well-being.


If you wish to book an appointment with Mr Andrew Robb today, you can do just that by visiting his Top Doctors profile.

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Mr Andrew Robb
Urologia infantile

Il signor Andrew Robb è un consulente urologo esperto di pediatria con sede a Birmingham. Dalla sua clinica privata a Spire Parkway , è specializzato nel trattamento dei problemi urinari e genitali nei giovani. Le sue aree di competenza includono incontinenza urinaria , ipospadia , infezioni del tratto urinario , circoncisione , reflusso vescico-ureterale e idroceli , solo per citarne alcuni.

Dopo essersi laureato nel 1999 alla Queen's University di Belfast, Robb ha conseguito la qualifica in medicina preospedaliera presso la facoltà di assistenza pre-ospedaliera del Royal College of Surgeons di Edimburgo. Ha completato la tesi di master nel 2010 e nel 2011 è diventato membro del Royal College of Surgeons di Edimburgo.

Dopo aver trascorso un periodo come Consultant Pediatric Surgeon e Urologist presso l'Addenbrooke's Hospital di Cambridge, gli è stato chiesto di tornare all'ospedale pediatrico di Birmingham nel 2015 per assumere una complessa pratica di urologia pediatrica ricostruttiva e sviluppare il servizio di pietre pediatriche per le West Midlands. Qui, il signor Robb passa il tempo a curare i pazienti, insieme alla sua clinica privata Spire Parkway.

Robb è attivamente coinvolto nell'insegnamento , nell'insegnamento di corsi come il corso annuale di urologia pediatrica BAPU a Cambridge ed è il direttore del programma di formazione regionale per la chirurgia pediatrica per il consorzio Birmingham, Bristol e Cardiff.

Ha pubblicato 15 documenti di ricerca peer-reviewed , 5 articoli invitati, 3 capitoli di libri e ha presentato incontri regionali, nazionali e internazionali. È membro di numerose organizzazioni, tra cui The British Association of Pediatric Surgeons .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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    Ectopia Testicolare
    Enuresi infantile
    Incontinenza urinaria
    Traumi urogenitali
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