What does robotic knee replacement entail?

Autore: Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey
Editor: Conor Lynch

In this article, esteemed orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey, discusses at length what robotic knee replacement surgery entails, and details what recovery time is like compared to non-robotic knee replacement surgery.

What exactly does robotic knee replacement entail?

When it comes to knee replacement surgery, unfortunately, no human being can work out the best alignment of the 3D dimensions in a full range of movement, that are required for knee replacement surgery to take place. This is where the robot comes in.


With robotic technology, we can plan pre-operatively the optimal positioning of the knee replacement for the patient. We can also tweak things during the operation itself with the help of the robotic technology. We can get feedback on the tissue laxity. We can then use this feedback to align the knee in the way that feels the most natural for the patient.


Who is the ideal candidate?

Anyone who is an ideal candidate for a knee replacement is an ideal candidate for robotic knee replacement surgery. Anyone who wants to recover quickly from knee surgery and move on with their lives is an ideal candidate for this specific procedure.


Is there anyone who may not be suitable?

Anyone is suitable for robotic knee replacement surgery. The duration of this surgery is about 10 minutes longer than traditional non-robotic knee replacement surgery. The length of the wound is normally shorter when it comes to robotic knee surgery.


What is recovery time like?

Recovery time tends to be quicker in patients who undergo robotic knee replacement surgery when compared to recovery time in patients who undergo non-robotic knee replacement surgery.


Patients who undergo robotic knee surgery often report that their knee feels natural after their recovery period. They are able to be mobile without crutches very quickly after robotic knee replacement surgery.


Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey is a distinguished orthopaedic surgeon who specialises in knee replacement surgery. Consult with him today to book an appointment via his Top Doctors profile

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Christopher Arthur Bailey

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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