What you should know before having eyelid lift surgery

Autore: Mr Alan Hubbard
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 15/10/2020
Editor: Emma McLeod

Have you been thinking about having an eyelid lift? Before undergoing this procedure, there are some essential facts you should know about. Mr Alan Hubbard, a consultant ophthalmologist, guides you through the essential facts you need to consider before opting for an eyelid lift.

A man with a smile that reaches his eyes

What are the different types of eyelid surgery?

An ‘eyelid lift’ is a common term for a procedure known as upper lid blepharoplasty or eyelid tuck. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin - as we age, it tends to lose its elasticity. As a result, people can have:

  • A redundancy of the skin in this area.
  • A lack of definition in the upper eyelid area.
  • Excess skin that hangs down over the ‘eyeshadow area’ and rests on the upper eyelashes. In severe cases, the excess skin will overhang the lid margin.


Why do people choose to have an eyelid lift?

Excess skin tends to give an aged appearance to the upper lid area. People tend to look each other in the eye, so the effect of ageing in this area is often more noticeable than elsewhere on the face or body.


How long do the results of an eyelid lift last?

The results are normally long-lasting. Having said that, the surgery itself does not prevent further ageing which can lead to a recurrence of the problem. Any recurrence is normally many years after the surgery.


Are patients awake during the eyelid surgery?

An eyelid lift can be done under either local anaesthetic (in which the patient is awake) or general anaesthetic (in which the patient is not conscious).


Is the procedure safe?

Surgery to remove this redundant skin is normally very safe and straightforward. Generally, it takes approximately 20 minutes per eye. The skin is sutured (stitched up) with either dissolvable sutures or non-dissolvable sutures, which are typically removed after about 10 days.


Does an eyelid lift leave a scar?

This scar is normally well hidden in the skin crease of the upper eyelid.


What is the recovery like?

There is typically bruising and swelling following the surgery, which may take up to only three weeks to completely resolve.


Would you like to know more? Visit Mr Hubbard’s profile to discover how you can benefit from his leading patient care.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Mr Alan Hubbard

Mr Alan Hubbard

Alan David Hubbard è un esperto oculista consulente con sede a Cheshire , specializzato in cataratta e oculoplastica . Le sue aree di competenza chirurgica includono la chirurgia della lente refrattiva , la chirurgia lacrimale e la chirurgia delle palpebre . È stato capo dipartimento al Leighton Hospital di Crewe per otto anni.

Hubbard si è laureato in medicina presso l'Università di Londra nel 1991, prima di frequentare la formazione di base in oftalmologia a Manchester, Londra e Brisbane, in Australia. Questo è stato seguito da una borsa di studio in chirurgia oculoplastica e lacrimale (dotto lacrimale) al Moorfields Eye Hospital di Londra, dove è stato addestrato da chirurghi di fama mondiale. Ciò gli ha fornito le abilità chirurgiche per gestire le anomalie funzionali e cosmetiche del sistema palpebrale e lacrimale.

Hubbard è un membro fondatore della British Society of Oculoplastic Surgeons e mantiene una fiorente pratica privata specializzata in cataratta refrattiva ad alta precisione e chirurgia oculoplastica compresa la blefaroplastica cosmetica .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Microdermoabrasione
    Induttori di collagene naturale
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Paralisi facciale
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