When is surgery for an anterior shoulder dislocation required?

Autore: Mr Nick Ferran
Editor: Conor Lynch

Anterior shoulder dislocation is the latest topic up for discussion today in one of our latest medical articles. Here, esteemed consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Nick Ferran, provides us with an insightful guide into all things anterior shoulder dislocation.

What is an anterior shoulder dislocation?

An anterior shoulder dislocation is a common injury that occurs when the upper arm bone pops out of the shoulder blade socket. 


When is surgery for an anterior shoulder dislocation required?

Surgery is usually recommended for people experiencing shoulder instability, shoulder pain, or shoulder stiffness after six months of undergoing non-surgical treatment after a shoulder dislocation. 


What procedures are available for an anterior shoulder dislocation?

A Bankart repair is a common procedure that reattaches the labrum, which can tear during anterior shoulder dislocation, to the shoulder socket. Capsular shift is another procedure that tightens the shoulder capsule and ligaments to prevent dislocation. 


The remplissage procedure is used to treat a Hill-Sachs lesion, which is a divot in the upper arm bone that can occur during a dislocation. This procedure involves filling the divot with tissue to prevent the bone from dislocating. A shoulder replacement is a procedure that replaces the damaged joint with an artificial one.


What should be patients be aware of after shoulder surgery?

After surgery, the patient will need to wear a sling for several weeks and undergo physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. 


What is recovery like?

The recovery time after anterior shoulder dislocation surgery depends on the extent of the injury and the type of surgery performed. If the dislocation is fairly simple, the shoulder joint will improve over a few weeks.


After surgery, the patient will need to wear a sling for about six weeks and gradually work on range of motion and strength. Full recovery may take between five to six months.


What are the risks associated with shoulder dislocation surgery?

Infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and blood vessel damage are the main potential risks associated with shoulder dislocation surgery.


To consult with Mr Nick Ferran today, simply head on over to his Top Doctors profile.

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Mr Nick Ferran

Nicholas Ferran è un trauma consulente leader e chirurgo ortopedico con sede a Londra , che ha un interesse particolare nella chirurgia della spalla e del gomito . Le sue aree di competenza nel trattamento della spalla e del gomito comprendono fratture e lussazioni, lesioni dei tessuti molli e condizioni degenerative.

Il signor Ferran si è laureato presso l'Università delle Indie Occidentali nel 2002 e ha continuato la sua formazione post-laurea nel Regno Unito. Il suo trauma specialistico e l'allenamento ortopedico si svolgevano sulla rotazione del T & O nella parte orientale delle Midlands (sud).

Ha acquisito ulteriore esperienza sub-specialistica in chirurgia della spalla e del gomito completando prestigiose borse di studio al Principe di Galles e all'Ospedale Concord di Sydney, in Australia, ea Circle, Nottingham.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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