Why do people get dry eyes?

Autore: Mr Shabbir Mohamed
Editor: Lisa Heffernan

Dry eye disease is very common. It can occur because there is reduced tear production or excessive loss of tears through evaporation. Most patients have a bit of both. It can cause symptoms like watery eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision or a scratchy feeling in the eye.


Mr Shabbir Mohamed answers some commonly asked questions about dry eyes and tells us how we can keep them hydrated.

Reduced tear production can occur because of a combination of reasons. A common factor is age, as we get older, tear production decreases. In other patients, reduced tear production can be because of medications used to treat other systemic health issues.


In a small proportion of patients, reduced tear production can be because of a more serious cause such as an autoimmune disease (where the immune system attacks the tear production system).


Increased tear evaporation is also multifactorial. For example, living in an air-conditioned environment, excessive use of screens, an unhealthy tear film, as well as many individual factors can all lead to dry eyes.


If dry eye disease persists for some time, it can lead to a reaction from the body on the surface of the eye which we call inflammation. This can cause pain and worsen dry eye symptoms.


Can dry eye disease cause blindness or affect vision?

Patients with dry eye often report difficulties with visual tasks that require concentration like reading, driving, watching television and undertaking close work. They also notice fluctuating vision where vision is better on some days than on other days.


Unfortunately, if a patient develops severe dry eye disease, there is a significant risk of vision loss and a small risk of blindness. However, with appropriate treatment and care, this risk is very much reduced.


Can pollution cause dry eyes?

There is a link between pollution and dry eyes. Patients living in inner cities have a higher risk of dry eyes, presumably through damage to the tear film from various types of pollution.


Are people with dry eyes more likely to get a stye?

In some patients, there is an abnormality of the eyelid structures. There could be low-level inflammation or infection of glands in the eyelid. These patients sometimes develop styes and other lid infections.


Can dry eyes cause eye floaters?

No. Dry eyes do not cause floaters. However, floaters can sometimes be a sign of a serious eye problem and the eyes need to be examined carefully.


How can I keep my eyes hydrated?

Because tear production is an active process reliant on energy and vitamins, it is important to eat a nutritious and varied diet. It’s also important to keep the body hydrated with clear liquids. Good quality tear replacement is also often helpful. Other treatments would depend on the careful assessment of the individual patient.


Are you experiencing teary eyes, inflammation or blurred vision? Get in touch with Mr Shabbir Mohamed.

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Mr Shabbir Mohamed

Mr Shabbir Mohamed

Shabbir Mohamed è un oculista altamente specializzato con sede a Birmingham e nelle West Midlands , specializzato nel trattamento di cataratta, glaucoma e patologie della superficie oculare , tra le altre condizioni dell'occhio . Cura i pazienti con tecniche mediche e chirurgiche, incluso l'uso della tecnologia laser . È un innovatore, che sviluppa modi creativi per offrire ai propri pazienti un'assistenza di massima qualità.

Mohamed si è laureato in medicina alla Manchester Medical School (Università di Manchester) nel 1996, prima di specializzarsi in oftalmologia generale nelle West Midlands. Ha quindi completato la formazione avanzata nel glaucoma e nella gestione della malattia corneale ed esterna. È membro del Royal College of Surgeons di Edimburgo e del Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

Il signor Shabbir Mohamed ha stabilito con successo una clinica oftalmica comunitaria presso il Sutton Medical Consulting Center e ha sviluppato un complesso servizio di glaucoma presso l'University Hospital di Birmingham. La sua filosofia è che prendersi cura dei pazienti e alleviare il loro dolore è un privilegio e desidera assicurarsi che il suo servizio sia di alta qualità. A tal fine, verifica in modo prospettico il suo servizio chirurgico per garantire che gli standard siano mantenuti e partecipa a sondaggi periodici sulla soddisfazione dei pazienti. Questo, combinato con la sua ricerca sullo sviluppo di nuovi trattamenti e l'ottimizzazione dei risultati dei pazienti, lo rende un leader nel suo campo.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Microdermoabrasione
    Induttori di collagene naturale
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Paralisi facciale
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