Why might a dental implant fail?

Autore: Dr Amit Mohindra
Editor: Conor Lynch

Read this article here below to find out the average lifespan of dental implants, and what you should avoid after having dental implants implanted, as esteemed implant and restorative dental surgeon, Dr Amit Mohindra, reveals all.

What is the average lifespan of dental implants?

One would expect implants to last well over 20 years. However, this depends on the factors, maintenance, and contradictions when placed.


Do dental implants require maintenance?

Yes. Whilst implants cannot get to decay, they are susceptible to periodontal gum disease. Gum disease progresses far quicker in patients who have dental implants compared to those who have normal teeth, and therefore you are recommended to see the hygienist every three months and the dentist every six months after having dental implants placed.


Is there anything I should avoid after getting dental implants?

You should be able to treat your restored dental implants like normal teeth. Smoking should be avoided as it can increase your risk of disease around dental implants as well as in your own teeth.


Why might a dental implant fail?

The most common reason for dental implant failure is gum disease. Another reason for failure is problems with the bite or in patients who suffer from bruxism. It is important that the implant restoration is placed correctly in the bite and that it is checked at least once a year, because implants are fixed to the bone and do not allow for any movement like teeth which have ligaments attach them to bone.


What are the signs of dental implant failure?

Swelling and discomfort are signs of dental implant failure. Inflammation and bleeding around implants are also major signs of dental implant failure.


Can dental implant failure be reversed?

If problems are identified early, they can often be reversed.


If you’d like to book an appointment today with Dr Amit Mohindra, all you have to do is visit his Top Doctors profile. 

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Dr Amit Mohindra
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

Il dott. Amit Mohindra è un abile dentista con sede a Oxford . Le sue aree di competenza comprendono impianti dentali (incluso il sistema di impianti di navigazione), sedazione e procedure di sostituzione dei denti . Cura anche la perimplantite . Ha un interesse speciale per l'implantologia dentale digitale .

Il dott. Mohindra si è laureato in odontoiatria presso l'Università di Birmingham nel 2002. Successivamente ha conseguito la laurea specialistica in Implantologia dentale . Attraverso anni di pratica dell'odontoiatria, ha perfezionato le sue capacità, offrendo tecniche di impianto minimamente invasive per offrire ai pazienti i migliori risultati estetici possibili. Si dedica a fornire assistenza ai pazienti di alta qualità, assicurandosi di soddisfare le esigenze dentali dei suoi pazienti.

Ha viaggiato all'estero offrendo assistenza dentale sia in Brasile che in Marocco con la carità di Dental Mavericks (associata alla Fondazione Eve Branson).

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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