887 Медицинские статьи на тему травматология Более 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Knee arthroscopy: is it right for me?

Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure aimed at diagnosing and treating a variety of knee problems. If you've been experiencing persistent knee pain or limited mobility, you may be considering this option. Leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Tarique Parwez discusses what knee arthroscopy entails, who might benefit from it, what to expect during the procedure, and its potential risks and benefits.

Ankle ligament tears: all you need to know

Ankle ligament tears are injuries where the ligaments, which connect and stabilise bones in the ankle, are partially or completely torn, often due to excessive twisting or rolling of the ankle. Leading consultant orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon Mr Shelain Patel explains how they occur, common symptoms and treatment options.

An in-depth guide to sports-related ankle pain

While we love to engage in sports, both for fun and as a form of exercise, this can have an impact on the body, leading to injuries causing ankle pain. We speak to renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Hisham Shalaby, who explains what first aid measures to take for a painful ankle, when to seek medical attention for ankle pain and the available treatment methods.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Inflammatory arthritis: A comprehensive review

Inflammatory arthritis is a multifaceted category of autoimmune diseases characterised by inflammation of the joints. Here, Mr Matthew Burwell, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon, delves into the intricate landscape of inflammatory arthritis, discussing its symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic interventions.

Rotator cuff injuries: Diagnosis and treatment

The rotator cuff plays a pivotal role in stabilising and facilitating the wide range of motion that the shoulder joint is capable of. When the function of the rotator cuff is disrupted, this can lead to pain, restricted movement, and a decrease in overall quality of life. Here, Mr Dave Cloke, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon, offers his expert insight into rotator cuff injuries.

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