967 Медицинские статьи на тему травматология Более 6749 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

When is the right time for ACL surgery? Key factors to consider

Deciding when to undergo ACL surgery is a complex and personal decision. An ACL tear is a common injury, especially among athletes, and while some people can manage it with physiotherapy, others will require surgery to regain knee stability and prevent long-term damage. This article provides an expert insight into ACL surgery, exploring key considerations, the procedure involved, as well as expected recovery times.

Редакция Top Doctors

Редакция Top Doctors

Knee arthritis: How surgery can improve your quality of life

Knee arthritis, a degenerative condition that affects the joint, often leads to pain, stiffness and decreased mobility. As the condition progresses, everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or even sitting can become increasingly difficult. For many patients, surgical intervention offers an effective solution to restore function and improve quality of life. Here to discuss this is leading consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon Mr Konstantinos Evangelou.

Is your hip pain actually a sign of something bigger?

Hip pain is a common complaint, particularly as people age. While it is often attributed to overuse or arthritis, in some cases, hip pain can be a sign of more serious underlying conditions. Recognising when your hip pain is something to take more seriously can help in seeking appropriate treatment before the condition worsens. Here to tell us more about it is leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon with specialised expertise in hip and knee surgery, Mr Richard Hampton.

The impact of weight on knee health: How to protect your joints as you age

As we age, maintaining healthy joints becomes increasingly important for our overall mobility and quality of life. One of the most critical factors affecting joint health - especially the knees -is body weight. The knees are weight-bearing joints, meaning that they carry much of the body's load during everyday activities such as walking, standing and climbing stairs. Excess weight can place additional strain on these joints, leading to discomfort, injury, and conditions like osteoarthritis. Leading consultant orthopaedic hip and knee surgeon Mr Charles Gibbons tells us all about how to protect your knee joints as you age.

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