Artículos del centro: Advanced Vision Care Более 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Your checklist: what to ask your LASEK surgeon

You probably have numerous questions circling your mind prior to your LASEK eye surgey. Dr CT Pillai, one of the most experienced laser eye surgeons in the UK has provided answers to a small list of questions which will help inform you better about your upcoming LASEK eye surgery, including what results to expect, if there are any potential risks and how long the results last.

LASIK or LASEK surgery? Which is best for me?

Laser eye surgery was introduced in the UK in 1990 and has come a long way since then. It is a type of surgery that helps people rid themselves of glasses or contact lenses. It’s a method of refractive surgery which involves reshaping the cornea (front surface of the eye) in order to correct short-sight, long-sight or astigmatism. Dr CT Pillai talks about the most common form of laser eye surgery; LASIK and then LASEK, an alternative option for anyone unsuitable for LASIK surgery.

ICL: the advantages of implantable contact lenses

Vision. Perhaps the sense we rely on most to perceive the world is our sight. A variety of problems can affect our eyesight, and to combat these, technology and procedures to treat our eyes are continually advancing. Laser eye surgery is well-known and comes in a number of forms, but another option is that of implantable contact lenses (ICLs). Esteemed ophthalmologist Dr CT Pillai explains:

Eye Spy: Safer laser eye surgery with the latest eye-tracking technology

Patients undergoing laser eye surgery have long been advised that it’s essential to keep your eyes fixed in one place during the operation to avoid damage to your eye. This can be a real source of anxiety if you think your eyes might wander during surgery. However, there’s good news – we may finally have the technology to avoid this problem altogether, writes Dr CT Pillai, consultant refractive surgeon and director of Advanced Vision Care.

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