One Heart Clinic Marylebone

One Heart Clinic Marylebone 02078644624 10-11 Bulstrode Pl, London W1U 2HX
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Centro especializado en:

Cardiología Cardiología preventiva Riesgo Cardiovascular Dolor de pecho Palpitaciones Falta de aliento TAVI (implantes de válvula por catéter...



Angina, commonly referred to as angina pectoris, is a type of chest pain or discomfort resulting from the heart muscle not receiving sufficient oxygen-rich blood. It is a critical symptom of underlying heart disease, most frequently coronary artery disease (CAD), which is the leading cause of death worldwide. Grasping the nuances of angina is essential for managing and averting more severe cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attacks. In his latest online article, Dr Ricardo Petraco gives us his insights.


Heart rhythm disturbances, also known as arrhythmias, are abnormal or irregular heartbeats caused by faulty electrical signalling in the heart. Dr Husain Shabeeh, highly skilled consultant cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist, provides an expert insight into heart rhythm disturbances, including their symptoms, and how they are diagnosed and treated.


CRT 2019: ORBITA In Review - Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
Dr Rasha Al-Lamee (Imperial College London, London...
AHA 19: Commentary On The ISCHEMIA Trial — Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
Dr Rasha Al-Lamee (Imperial College London, London...

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Dr Graham Cole
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Dr Husain Shabeeh
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Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
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Dr Syed Afzal Sohaib
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Dr Ricardo Petraco
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