Videos de The Mae Clinic

What is traction alopecia, and what are the main causes? - Online interview


In this video, Dr Eleojo Achimugu, an esteemed London-based hair transplant surgeon, discusses at length the medical condition traction alopecia, including the causes, risk factors, and treatment options. 00:00 What is traction alopecia, and what are the main causes? 00:49 Are all age groups at risk? What are the main associated risk factors? 03:01 What are the most effective ways to prevent traction alopecia? 04:11 What symptoms should encourage me to see a specialist? 05:41 Can it be cured? Can it recur? 07:14 What are the treatment options? To schedule a consultation with Dr Achimugu simply visit her Top Doctors profile here: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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