Alliance Medical Marylebone

Centro especializado en:

Resonancia magnética Diagnóstico por imagen Ecografía Neurología Cardiología Gastroenterología

Servicios Médicos

MRI scan - 2 areas

An MRI scan, or 'Magnetic Resonance Imaging' is used to detect many neurological and musculoskeletal conditions, especially in the muscles and ligaments, using a strong magnetic field to create high-quality images of the body. The MRI scan is provided by Alliance Medical at Manchester Airport Scanning Centre.   

MRI scan - 3 areas

A powerful magnetic field is used to produce detailed images of the body during an MRI scan, also known as magnetic resonance imaging, which is used to diagnose a variety of neurological and musculoskeletal problems, particularly those affecting the muscles and ligaments. Alliance Medical operates the Manchester Airport Scanning Centre, where the MRI scan is performed.

MRI scan - 4 areas

This MRI scan of four areas of the body provided by Alliance Medical at Alliance Medical Marylebone which can be used to detect many neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. The tests can be used for all areas of the body, and is especially useful for detecting soft tissue problems, such as with nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 

Ultrasound scan - 1 area

An ultrasound scan is a diagnostic tool using high frequency sound waves via a handheld scanner to see different parts of the body. An ultrasound is particularly useful for different parts of the body including the liver, pelvis, kidneys, gallbladder, musculoskeletal areas such as to the joints, and for checking blood flow through blood vessels. 

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Dr Martin Clark
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Dr Naeem Ahmed
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Dr Nadeem Qazi
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Mr Eskinder Solomon
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Professor Adrian Lim
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