Gynaecomastia: the patient’s experience

Escrito por: Dr Hassan Nurein
Publicado: | Actualizado: 05/12/2023
Editado por: Bronwen Griffiths

Gynaecomastia is a condition in which male breast tissue is enlarged, appearing as either puffy nipples or excess breast tissue. Often symptomless, gynaecomastia can affect appearance, self-confidence and well-being. In some cases, physical symptoms of tenderness, stretch-marks and discharge can be experienced. However, the good news is that gynaecomastia is very treatable with surgery.

Here we take a look at two separate patient case studies of men who underwent gynaecomastia surgery with expert gynaecomastia surgeon, Dr Hassan Nurein .

Patient Case Study 1 - Kaiser

Our first patient, Kaiser, is in his 30s and hails from London. In his initial consultation, he explained that he had suffered from gynaecomastia since puberty and that it had affected his quality of life significantly. Despite being an active gym goer, whilst the rest of his body builds muscle mass and is toned, his breast tissue remains enlarged and puffy.

Due to his athletic build, liposuction was not necessary, and a breast gland excision was performed. This involves numbing the breast tissue around the areola with local anaesthetic and making small incisions around the bottom half of the areola. Through this incision, the gland is removed. Following this, the pectoralis muscle is sculpted and closed with stitches. The procedure takes around two hours. Immediately after surgery an elastic bandage wraps the chest area, with a compression vest worn for 2-6 weeks following the operation. The vest is very subtle and does not show underneath clothing.

Kaiser’s decision to undergo gynaecomastia surgery was made when he realised that no amount of exercise and weight-training was reducing the puffiness of his enlarged breast tissue. Now in his 30s with the means to have this procedure, he did his research and found Dr Hassan Nurein to be the best fit for his needs. Despite being a little bit nervous to begin with, he felt reassured by Dr Nurein’s expertise and manner. Following surgery, Kaiser looks forward to the summer and showing off his new look.

You can view Kaiser’s experience of gynaecomastia surgery as a video with Dr Nurein here .

Why did Kaiser choose Dr Nurein?

Kaiser found Dr Nurein to be very approachable, and after having an initial video consultation, he felt positive that he was the expert he wanted performing his first cosmetic procedure that he had patiently waited for since his 20s.

Patient Case Study 2 - John

Our second patient is John who is in his 20s. John is a professional athlete who has suffered from gynaecomastia since being a teenager. His gynaecomastia presents as puffy nipples. In the past, John used anabolic steroids, which played a part in causing his gynaecomastia. To treat John’s gynaecomastia, liposuction was not necessary and just the breast glands were removed, with local anaesthetic used to numb the area. General anaesthetic is not necessary for this procedure.

You can view John’s experience of gynaecomastia surgery as a video with Dr Nurein here .


If you need help or have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch and make an appointment with Dr Hassan Nurein.

Dr Hassan Nurein

Por Dr Hassan Nurein
Medicina estética

El Dr. Hassan Nurein es un cirujano estético con experiencia que se especializa en cirugía de ginecomastia . El Dr. Nurein es miembro del Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh y, después de su trabajo con el NHS, pasó a proporcionar servicios especializados para pacientes que buscan la reducción mamaria masculina, también conocida como cirugía de ginecomastia. Se basa tanto en la famosa London Harley Street como en Sheffield .

La pasión del Dr. Nurein por la cirugía estética le ha permitido viajar con frecuencia a conferencias nacionales e internacionales donde mejora y refina meticulosamente sus habilidades para que sus pacientes continúen recibiendo el mejor servicio posible. El Dr. Nurein tiene un enfoque centrado en el paciente y siempre prioriza sus necesidades y cuidados.

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