Head and neck cancer: an expert overview

Escrito por: Professor Stuart Winter
Editado por: Conor Lynch

In this article below, Professor Stuart Winter, a highly regarded consultant ENT surgeon, tells us whether or not human papillomavirus can cause head and neck cancer, and informs us with regards to the most effective treatment options for head and neck cancer

Does head and neck cancer affect speech and swallowing?

Head and neck cancer can impact on speech and swallowing due to the position of the tumour. For example, a voice box cancer (larynx) will often present with a hoarse voice. If the tumour involves the mechanism or swallowing pathway, then that will be affected. 



What are the best treatment options for head and neck cancer patients with advanced stage disease?

Often, advanced treatment needs at least two and sometime three forms of treatment. This might involve surgery, which is typically followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, or radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy



Can HPV (human papillomavirus) cause head and neck cancer?

HPV infection is one of the main risk factors when it comes to developing head and neck cancer. 



How does smoking and alcohol consumption increase the risk of developing head and neck cancer?

We know that smoking in particular is a significant risk factor for developing head and neck cancer, while alcohol doesn't increase the risk as much. 



What are some promising new therapies and clinical trials for head and neck cancer patients?

There have been a number of recent developments. Immunotherapy is currently one of the most exciting areas. To date, it has been shown to be most effective in patients with palliative or advanced cancer compared to conventional therapies. Its use is being tested in all stages of the head and neck cancer pathway and will be an exciting area over the next few years.



To schedule in an appointment with Professor Stuart Winter, simply visit his Top Doctors profile today. 

Por Professor Stuart Winter

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