Dr Mostafa Shalaby

Centro specializzato in:

Depressione Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione e Iper... Unità Disturbi del Sonno Ansia Psichiatria



Work stress and burnout are increasingly prevalent in today's fast-paced society, impacting individuals across various professions. Recognising the symptoms, understanding who is most at risk, and exploring treatment options are crucial steps in managing and preventing these debilitating conditions. Here, renowned consultant psychiatrist Dr Mostafa Shalaby answers patients’ most frequently asked questions surrounding this topic.


Breaking the Stigma: An Honest Look into Psychiatry, and Suicide || Dr Mostafa Shalaby || #StriveMed
Find Dr Mostafa Shalaby here: www.instagram.com/dr...
Mental Health Awareness week Dr Mostafa Shalaby on what anxiety is and how to manage and seek help.
Today marks the start of #MentalHealthAwarenessWee...

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Dr Mostafa Shalaby
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