Video di One Heart Clinic - Cardiology Consulting & Diagnostic Centre

An introduction to Dr Francesco Lo Giudice


In this introductory video, highly experienced consultant cardiologist, Dr Francesco Lo Giudice, shares with us the reason behind him becoming a doctor and specialising in cardiology. 00:00 Introduction 00:08 What is your name and position? 00:30 What made you choose to become a doctor? 01:35 What made you choose to become a cardiologist? 03:11 What do you find most rewarding about your job? 04:00 What do your patients value most about you? And you of them? 06:16 Do you have any mantra or catchphrase that you use in your work? To book an appointment with Dr Lo Giudice, just visit his Top Doctors profile here today: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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