Professor John Simpson

Cardiologo infantile a London


Professor John Simpson esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Professor John Simpson is an expert paediatric cardiologist, and serves as Professor of Paediatric and Foetal Cardiology at King's College London. He specialises in echocardiography and other specialist cardiac imaging techniques, including prenatal diagnosis of cardiac problems in foetuses. After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, he trained in both the UK and USA, including at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals, before becoming a consultant at Evelina Children's Hospital, where he has been delivering top-quality patient care since 1999. 

Professor Simpson has published over 150 scientific papers, and has contributed to two leading textbooks on congenital heart disease. He is regarded as an authority on the diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions in babies and young children, and due to this expertise, he has been involved in the Take Heart Mercy Mission - a charity project in Sri Lanka, which aims to not only save lives directly by performing difficult cardiac procedures, but also to help train a team in Sri Lanka to perform these life-saving operations.

* Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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