A comprehensive guide to root canal treatment

Autore: Dr Michael Sultan
Editor: Kate Forristal

In his latest online article, Dr Michael Sultan gives us his insight into root canal treatment. He talks about what the procedure entails, why root canals need to be treated, how the inside of the tooth can become damaged, warning sign and symptoms, how effective and safe the treatment is and what the patient can expect after treatment.

What exactly does root canal treatment entail?

Let’s go back to basics, a root canal treatment is about addressing tooth pain and infections. When people come to us with dental problems, we remove the nerve, eliminate infections, alleviate symptoms, and aim to save the tooth.


Why do root canals need to be treated?

Our approach is primarily focused on addressing pain. People experience various dental issues, such as grinding, clenching, or deep fillings, and when bacteria infect a nerve, it can lead to discomfort. Our primary objective is to alleviate that pain and infection through root canal treatment.


How does the inside of a tooth become damaged?

The causes are typically either trauma, fractures, or damage to the tooth, or they result from bacterial infiltration. Bacteria can easily enter the tooth's canals. Our task involves navigating these intricate root canals, removing the nerve, eliminating bacteria, and ensuring the tooth is free from infection.


What are the warning signs and symptoms of a tooth that is damaged on the inside?

In most cases, the primary issue is pain. Initially, individuals may experience mild sensitivity to hot and cold sensations, which can escalate into severe toothaches. Ultimately, some people arrive with swollen faces, relying on pain relievers, experiencing disrupted sleep, and finding it difficult to bite or chew, leading to general discomfort


How effective and safe is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is exceptionally safe and highly effective. Our primary goal is to reduce infection and, ultimately, to preserve teeth. Properly treated teeth can endure for many decades, although they require protection with crowns to prevent cracking. Maintaining well-treated teeth offers significant health benefits. Unfortunately, there is a wealth of misinformation on the internet, with some people fearing the worst. However, when patients sit in our chair, they often become so relaxed that they even fall asleep during procedures. It's important to remember that many of the negative stories found on the internet lack scientific validity.


What can patients expect afterwards?

We perform a delicate procedure, and it's common for patients to experience some bruising afterward. As part of the recovery process, we typically recommend various pain management options, occasionally including antibiotics, although they are rarely necessary. It's important to understand that the pain doesn't always subside immediately; it might take a week or so, but patients steadily improve over time.


Dr Michael Sultan is an esteemed endodontist with over 35 years of experience. You can schedule an appointment with Dr Sultan on his Top Doctors profile.

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Dr Michael Sultan

Il dott. Michael Sultan è un endodontista leader con sede a Harley St e Richmond, Londra . È stato direttore clinico della clinica EndoCare dal 2008, che si vanta di essere un centro di eccellenza per la diagnosi e il trattamento del dolore dentale e per la chirurgia del canale radicolare. La dott.ssa Sultan si è diplomata nel 1986 in Odontoiatria presso l'Università di Bristol, dopodiché ha completato cinque anni di pratica dentistica generale. In seguito, la dott.ssa Sultan iniziò i suoi studi specialistici al Guy's Hospital di Londra. Qui ha conseguito il master in endodonzia nel 1993.

Dr Sultan è iscritto nel registro specialistico in endodonzia dal 1999 e ha fornito un'assistenza eccellente ai suoi pazienti, curando il dolore dentale e eseguendo complesse operazioni canalari. Oltre ai suoi impegni clinici, la dott.ssa Sultan è molto impegnata nel mondo accademico e nelle conferenze frequentemente per gruppi di dentisti post-laurea e si presenta regolarmente al dipartimento CPD dell'istituto Eastman Dental presso l'Università di Londra.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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