Arm lift: procedure, risks, recovery

Autore: Mr Rob Winterton
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 04/04/2023
Editor: Nicholas Howley

It’s getting increasingly popular to have an abdominoplasty after losing a lot of weight – but did you know you can solve excess skin on your arms as well? We asked leading plastic and reconstructive surgeon Mr Rob Winterton what an arm lift involves, whether the procedure carries any risks, and how long recovery takes.


Why might someone need an arm lift?

An arm lift is for situations where you have too much skin on your arm after losing a lot of weight. It might be that you’re self-conscious when you are exercising or wearing a short-sleeve top. Both men and women can have an arm lift but almost all of the people we see in the clinic are women.

Because weight loss happens all over the body, it’s not unusual to combine an arm with other kinds of procedures, such as breast surgery or abdominoplasty.

How is arm lift surgery performed?

Arm lift surgery always involves cutting out excess skin. It can also involve liposuction if there is excess fat or simply to help with the reshaping of the arm.

The procedure is quite simple:

  1. The arms are marked where the skin will be removed before the surgery
  2. The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic, or sedation usually
  3. The arms are placed in position ready for the surgery
  4. The excess skin is removed alongside liposuction if required
  5. The wounds are stitched up
  6. Dressings are applied

The total length of the operation is usually 1-2 hours. Of course, the length depends on whether the arm lift is combined with other procedures such as breast surgery or abdominoplasty.

Does arm lift surgery leave scars?

An arm lift does involve scars, but these will be on the inside of the arm. They should be hidden when you hang down your arms on either side of the body. Most surgeons try to keep the scars in the upper arm, but sometimes the scar can go down onto the body if there is also skin to remove on the body.

Because of the direction they have to sit, the scars are often widened, rather than a really nice thin line. They can take from a few months to a couple of years to mature, but once they’re healed up, they can be covered up with camouflage makeup.

Are there any risks to the procedure?

This is fairly straightforward surgery in concept, but all surgical procedures involve risk. The main risks are:

  • blood clots in the arm
  • injury to the blood vessels of nerves in the arm
  • problems with the healing of the wound like infection, or wound opening up

How long after arm lift surgery can I start to exercise again?

It’s important to avoid heavy exercise for 4-6 weeks after surgery in order to avoid complications such fluid collections and wound problems.

Unfortunately, most exercise involve moving the arms, including running, cross-training, weightlifting, swimming, and yoga. The main form of exercise that is safe for the arms is walking. If it’s really important for you to get back to exercise as soon as possible, your surgeon may manage this by encouraging you to slowly introduce low-impact exercises around the 3-week mark, and conducting regular check-ups.

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Mr Rob Winterton
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Il signor Rob Winterton è un chirurgo plastico, ricostruttivo e chirurgo della mano con sede nel Nord Ovest ( Manchester e Rochdale ). Ha più di 15 anni di esperienza e ha lavorato a livello internazionale. Il signor Winterton è specializzato in chirurgia estetica, chirurgia della mano, chirurgia del seno e chirurgia della pelle.

Inizialmente qualificato dall'università di Newcastle Upon Tyne, il sig. Winterton ha continuato a completare il suo corso di alta formazione sul programma di formazione per registrar di chirurgia plastica Leeds / Manchester per sei anni. Dal 2013, il signor Winterton ha trascorso un anno a lavorare ad Adelaide, in Australia. Questa esperienza gli ha permesso di consolidare la sua esperienza in chirurgia estetica e ricostruttiva.

Dopo il suo ritorno nel Regno Unito nel 2014, il signor Winterton ha completato il Diploma britannico in chirurgia della mano, per la quale ora insegna agli studenti attuali. Presenta il suo lavoro a livello nazionale e internazionale, con un solido repertorio di capitoli di libri e articoli peer-reviewed a suo nome. Il signor Winterton è membro del consiglio per la regione del nord-ovest dell'Associazione britannica dei chirurghi ricostruttivi ed estetici plastici (BAPRAS) e si impegna a fornire l'eccellenza nella sua pratica a Manchester.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

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