Can cognitive behavioural therapy help my anxiety?

Autore: Dr Annique Clopon
Editor: Aoife Maguire

What is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy in which patients can explore the patterns and reasons why they think and act the way that they do.

CBT is a collaborative therapy which permits patients to understand why they have repeated behaviour patterns that they do not want to engage in. CBT is educative and empowers patients with strategies and tools to meet goals that they have in moving forward with their lives.

How can CBT help people suffering with anxiety? What are the aims of the treatment?

Anxiety is a fear of a worst-case scenario. In some cases, patients have something clear in their mind about what makes them feel afraid, whereas in other cases, people may have anxiety due to a fear about how others may perceive them rather than an object or situation.

Cognitive behaviour therapy helps the patient to understand how anxiety works and to help them to establish if the fear is realistic, as well as how to solve problems. The psychologist will tailor the treatment to the specific needs of each patient, to ensure the best way to help them.


What are the signs of anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorders can develop in many different forms. Some signs that you may be suffering from an anxiety order include repeated difficulty sleeping, feeling restless, inability to concentrate on daily tasks for more than two weeks. Other symptoms may include increased heart rate during situations which there is no danger or increased physical activity. This may be indicative of a panic disorder, particularly if it has been established that these symptoms aren’t being caused by other physical health conditions.



When should you seek help from a specialist?

It is recommended that you seek help when you find that the symptoms have been continual for at least two weeks and have not changed or have gotten worse.


What can patients expect from their first appointment?

During your first appointment the psychologist will discuss the history of the problem and your goals for treating the anxiety disorder. They will help you to create a plan to help you move forward and teach you the mechanisms of anxiety and what tools and treatment plan may be most effective for you.



If you are consdidering cognitive behavioural therapy and would like to book a session with Dr Clopon, do not hesitate to visit her Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Annique Clopon

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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