Cataracts: When should I consider surgery?

Autore: Mr Manoj Mathai Anicatt
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 27/09/2023
Editor: Conor Dunworth

Cataracts are a common eye condition that presents as we get older. In his latest online article, renowned consultant ophthalmologist Mr Manoj Mathai Anicatt explains this condition in detail. He offers his advice on when you should consider cataract surgery, how long the operation lasts and explains what causes cataracts.


Are cataracts common?

You have a cataract when the clear crystalline lens in the eye becomes cloudy and opaque. As a result, your vision becomes misty. Cataract is a disease of ‘wear and tear’ possibly caused by UV damage to the clear lens. They are therefore more common as one gets older, usually seen after the age of 65.


Are cataracts painful?

Cataracts rarely cause pain. They cause painless progressive loss of vision. The rate of progression is variable with different types of cataracts. They usually progress over years.


Can cataracts be prevented?

We don’t know of any scientifically proven measures to prevent cataracts. The older you are the more likely you are to develop cataracts. Various diet supplements and lifestyle changes such are UV protection have been advocated – none of them proven. A healthy diet and balanced lifestyle is always helpful.


When should I get cataract surgery?

This varies from one person to the other and would depend on your work and lifestyle. The general advice is to consider cataract surgery when the resulting visual disturbances begin to impede your activities – whether it be driving your car or whether it be hobbies such as knitting or reading.


How long does the operation last?

Cataract surgery is a highly-skilled, short-duration operation. It can be done with drops or a blunt-needle injection of anaesthetic around the eye. It usually takes about 15 minutes. You can go home the same day. Your vision should improve from the following day.

Your eye fully recovers from surgery in about 4 weeks at which time you are ready for new spectacles and crystal-clear vision. If you have cataracts in both eyes, the second eye can undergo surgery a few weeks after the first eye.



Mr Manoj Mathai Anicatt is a renowned consultant ophthalmologist based in Greater Manchester. If you would like to book a consultation, you can do so today via his Top Doctors profile. 

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Manoj Mathai Anicatt

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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