Considering a facelift? Here's all you should know

Autore: Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta
Editor: Conor Lynch

What exactly is a facelift, and is it painful? Find out below in our latest article, as revered consultant aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon, Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta, gives us a detailed account on a facelift procedure, as she explains the difference between a mini facelift and a full facelift.

What’s involved in a facelift?

It can either be a mini facelift or a full facelift. The aim of the procedure is to lift the face, by restoring the facial tissues from deep to skin tissues. Most of the time, a facelift involves a jawline restoration, which gives a nice, natural look. Of course, we, as surgeons, must ensure to consult the patients with regards to what type of facelift they want.


Is it painful?

I wouldn’t say that a facelift is a painful procedure. However, I like to put a compression garment on patients for a week following the surgery. This will feel more like a feeling of tightness rather than actual pain.


Usually, if a patient experiences pain, this will only generally be for the first 24 hours after their facelift. After this time period, it is very tolerable.


How long does a facelift last?

The aim of a facelift is to give long-lasting outcomes. Generally, facelifts last up to 10 years.


What is the difference between a mini facelift and a full facelift?

A mini facelift mainly addresses the jawline, the jaws, and heaviness in the lower face. A typical mini facelift will last around two and a half hours. In a mini facelift, the scar is just on the edge of the ear, and occasionally might extend slightly behind the ear.


A full facelift, meanwhile, is much more extensive. It centres on the upper part of the face, the mid-face section, and even the neck. A full facelift will take up to between three and a half hours to four hours.


Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta is a highly accomplished consultant aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon who specialises in performing facelift procedures. If you are considering a facelift, make sure you check out her Top Doctors profile today to book an appointment with her.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Ms Kallirroi Tzafetta
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Kallirroi Tzafetta è consulente in chirurgia plastica estetica e ricostruttiva a Chelmsford, Brentwood e Sawbridge, specializzata in chirurgia facciale , lifting del viso e del collo , rinoplastica , blefaroplastica , addominoplastica e chirurgia mammaria .

Tzafetta si è laureata in medicina presso l'Università di Atene nel 1991. Ha conseguito il Master in Filosofia presso l'Università di Bradford per il suo lavoro di ricerca a tempo pieno sulla guarigione delle ferite nel 2001.

La sig.ra Tzafetta ha subito una borsa di studio in microchirurgia e chirurgia della paralisi facciale presso il Centro di ricerca microchirurgica della Eastern Virginia Medical School negli Stati Uniti. È diventata membro del Royal College of Surgeons nel 2007.

La sig.ra Tzafetta è regolarmente invitata a parlare in occasione di conferenze e altri eventi, condividendo la sua esperienza in diverse aree tra cui la paralisi facciale, la ricostruzione e la guarigione delle ferite.

È membro della British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), della World Society of Reconstructive Microchirurgia (WSRM) e della Sir Charles Bell Society per la paralisi facciale.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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