fear of the dentist

Autore: Dr Sarah Barker
Editor: Cameron Gibson-Watt

Dental anxiety is one of the greatest difficulties facing dentists. Some patients are so anxious that they delay or even cancel their appointments leading to poor oral healthcare, increased dental problems and symptom-driven treatment. We sat down with Dr Sarah Barker, a clinical psychologist from London, who explained to us why people are scared of the dentist and what they can do to manage this phobia.


How common is dental anxiety?

Figures based on surveys, such as the 1998 UK Adult Dental Health Survey, suggest that 64% of adults are ‘nervous of some kinds of dental treatment’ and around 45% ‘always feel anxious about going to the dentist’. This fear can lead patients to delay going to the dentist, which in turn contributes to poor oral healthcare and increased dental problems.


What causes a fear of the dentist?

Anxiety is a continuum, and there are some patients who are so anxious about receiving dental treatment that they delay or cancel appointments. Others have difficulty in tolerating treatment whilst in the dental chair, and some may not seek dental care at all. Patients who are anxious typically experience more pain, and reluctance to have procedures can result in the need for more complex procedures in the long-term, which further exacerbates the anxiety.


Dental anxiety can arise due to multiple factors, such as previous negative experiences of dental work or medical treatments which can impact the trust of health professionals. Negative experiences can be vicarious; traumatic narratives on treatments from anxious family members or peers can have a significant impact on certain individuals. Traumatic experiences, especially in childhood, can make the vulnerable position of lying back in a dental chair particularly difficult, and again can be linked to difficulties in trusting the professional carrying out a procedure.


There are some people who struggle with body image too. Specific cues in the dentist’s office can elicit fear in a patient, and the body goes into fight, flight or freeze mode. Dentists can find their patients crying, behaving aggressively or self-medicating.


What do you recommend to your patients with this condition?

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that focuses on how thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect feelings and behaviour, and teaches coping skills for dealing with different problems. More recently a third-wave CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is gaining a good evidence base. In the first assessment session, a clinical psychologist will work with you to develop a formulation of how your thoughts, physiological reactions, behaviour and feelings are linked. Future sessions help you to gain distance from upsetting thoughts, have specific techniques to calm your central nervous system and develop skills such as assertiveness so you are more able to communicate your needs to the dentist.


Do people ever overcome this fear?

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) gives a strong recommendation for the use of CBT for specific phobias as well as more general anxiety disorders. Newton et al (2017) discusses how CBT can help patients with dental anxiety to rehabilitate.


Seeing a specialist can definitely help to make the essential visits to the dentist much more bearable.


If you have a dear of the dentist and would like to see a specialist about it, Dr Sarah Barker is an expert consultant clinical psychologist based in London who specialises in dental phobia. Check her profile to see her availability.

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Dr Sarah Barker

La dott.ssa Sarah Barker è una psicologa clinica consulente esperta con sede a Londra con oltre 20 anni di esperienza . È specializzata in dolore cronico , fobie dentali , disturbo post traumatico da stress , salute fisica , ansia e depressione .

Il dott. Barker ha una vasta esperienza di lavoro con individui, gruppi, famiglie e coppie che trattano un'ampia varietà di condizioni sia psicologiche che fisiche. Ha completato una formazione aggiuntiva in terapia cognitivo-comportamentale e terapia sistemica e recentemente si è interessata alla consapevolezza e alla terapia di accettazione e impegno , che ha portato alla sua ricerca editoriale su approcci narrativi, dolore cronico e malattie croniche. La dott.ssa Barker ha anche intrapreso un addestramento di livello I e II in EMDR che ritiene utile per affrontare il trauma che può essere causa di una condizione cronica.

Per quanto riguarda il dolore cronico e l'ansia dentale, il dott. Barker ricopre un posto presso il SSN presso il Kings College Hospital occupandosi di pazienti che soffrono di dolore cronico al viso. Sta inoltre sviluppando una terapia cognitivo-comportamentale per i pazienti che soffrono di questo tipo di dolore, conducendo ricerche qualitative per valutare l'impatto della lesione del nervo iatrogeno, ad esempio a seguito di un trauma chirurgico, in modo più dettagliato. Ha inoltre sviluppato un seminario diurno multidisciplinare per i pazienti con lesioni del nervo trigemino dopo molti anni di posizioni cliniche e manageriali che si occupano di gestione del dolore ambulatoriale e residenziale.

È anche membro attivo della British Psychological Society, della Facoltà di Psicologia della salute clinica, della Divisione di Psicologia clinica e della British Pain Society.

HCPC : PYL02061

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Trattamenti psicologici
    Terapia di coppia
    Psicologia infantile
    Valutazione psicologica
    Dipendenze tossiche (alcolismo)
    Disturbi psicotici
    Disturbi alimentari
    Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo
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