How does Botox™ really work and how can I avoid the ‘frozen look’?

Autore: Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 16/11/2023
Editor: Cameron Gibson-Watt

If you are thinking about getting Botox™ but are concerned about looking unnatural, expressionless or ‘frozen-faced’, you shouldn’t worry. When done right and by an experienced professional, Botox™ can offer a subtly rejuvenated and natural look, and can even help to prevent wrinkles forming in the future.


Mr Giovanni Ferrando is a highly experienced consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon based privately in London and Genoa, Italy. As an expert in administering Botox™, he explains what the substance is, how it works and what you should be looking out for when choosing a Botox™ provider to avoid undesirable results.



How does Botox™ work?


Botox™ - also known as botulinum toxin - is a neurotoxic protein that temporarily blocks impulses from the nerves to the muscles, resulting in a weaker or paralysed muscle that can’t contract. The affected muscle appears more relaxed, which consequently reduces the presence of wrinkles and in some cases, slightly raises the eyebrow. This effect gives the face a younger and more rested appearance; however, it isn’t permanent, and after five or six months the effect will disappear and the muscle will regain its strength.


Which area of the face should I get treated?


Botox™ can work in various areas of the face and body. However, it is typically used in the face and more specifically, the superior third of the face. This consists of the area above the eyes and the forehead, and is where the ageing process is more prominent due to the over-contraction of the muscles, which over time results in wrinkles. Relaxing the right muscles in this area using Botox™ is one of the best anti-ageing treatments.


How can I avoid looking unnatural?


Avoiding an unnatural result depends on the ability and experience of the doctor or surgeon carrying out the procedure. Some types of Botox™ are stronger than others, therefore it is important to correctly calculate the dosage, otherwise if the injected units are not well calculated you can end up with an unnatural appearance, ‘Spock brows’, or how many describe it; the ‘frozen look’.


How often should I get Botox™ treatments?


You can repeat the treatment two or three times per year. I don’t recommend having it more often than that, however, it depends on the strength of the muscle and other individual variables.


Are there possible side-effects?


Side-effects from Botox™ are very uncommon. They depend mainly on the experience of the doctor or surgeon. If the professional doesn’t have sound knowledge of the substance and skill in administering it, the final result may not be as desirable as you’d hoped. It is very important that the specialist carrying out the procedure fully understands the anatomy of the head muscles and has sufficient experience to reach the best result.


What should I look for in a Botox™ provider?


In a nutshell, the specialist who performs the Botox™ procedure has to have expert knowledge of the facial anatomy and know how every single muscle will look once it has been injected and relaxed. It is only in this way we can move away from an excessive contraction of the muscles and wrinkles to a more youthful and harmonic appearance.



If you are interested in receiving Botox™ treatment, don't hesitate to visit Mr Giovanni Ferrando’s Top Doctors profile today to book a consultation to see him.

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Mr Giovanni Ferrando
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Giovanni Ferrando è un chirurgo plastico e ricostruttivo di grande esperienza con ambulatori privati ​​a Londra e in Italia. È noto per il suo lavoro innovativo e pionieristico nel progettare e sviluppare nuove tecniche da utilizzare nella chirurgia estetica ed estetica, e ha una grande attenzione ai dettagli, cercando sempre di ottenere risultati dall'aspetto naturale. È specializzato in tutti i tipi di chirurgia estetica, con particolare interesse per la rinoplastica, la blefaroplastica, il ringiovanimento del viso e l'aumento del seno.

Quando esegue un intervento chirurgico su un paziente, il signor Ferrando preferisce prendersi del tempo per studiare le proporzioni del viso del paziente e anche conoscere bene il paziente per prendere una decisione su quale sia il miglior naso per il paziente. Disegna personalmente un ritratto del paziente per vedere i risultati desiderati e usa la stessa mano per realizzare il disegno che eseguirà l'intervento. Questa parte del processo è importante per il signor Ferrando nell'assicurare i migliori risultati.

Accanto alla sua pratica clinica, Ferrando dedica del tempo a tenere discorsi sulla sua professione, ed è regolarmente collaboratore del Giornale di chirurgia plastica estetica, e attualmente sta scrivendo un libro sulla rinoplastica.

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