Navigating depression

Autore: Dr Sarah Barker
Editor: Kate Forristal

In her latest online article, Dr Sarah Barker gives us her insights into depression. She talks about the symptoms of depression, the difference between sadness and depression, the causes, how to manage depression and when to seek professional help.

What are the symptoms of depression?

When individuals experience depression, they often cope with demotivation, overwhelming sadness, and a pervasive sense of lethargy. Consequently, their social interactions may decrease, and they may find less enjoyment in activities they once enjoyed. Also, depression can impact sexual function, thinking and memory.


What is the difference between sadness and depression?

Similar to anxiety, depression exists on a spectrum, where occasional feelings of sadness are a normal part of the human experience. For instance, grieving the loss of a loved one naturally induces sadness. However, when depression begins to significantly impact daily life and relationships, it becomes crucial to seek help. This is especially true when thoughts of self-harm arise, a concern that takes various forms, such as skin-picking or hair-pulling, often serving as attempts to cope with emotional pain.


Individuals may resort to substances like drugs, alcohol, overwork or risky behaviours in an effort to self-medicate. In such cases, seeking a therapist becomes essentall to explore healthier alternatives for managing emotions. For those battling with severe depression, a combination of medication and therapy may offer an effective path forward. On the other hand, milder forms of depression can often be addressed through therapy alone.


What causes depression?

Various theories exist regarding depression. Endogenous depression, for instance, is viewed through a biological lens, suggesting a genetic predisposition as a cause. On the other hand, reactive depression stems from challenging life situations, such as those witnessed in war. Treatment approaches can differ, but for some individuals experiencing endogenous depression a combination of therapy and medication has notably enhanced their quality of life. Some individuals, initially hesitant about antidepressants, find that they can be beneficial based on compelling evidence. However, others choose alternative paths, preferring not to rely on medication.


How can I manage depression?

Numerous therapeutic approaches exist, with therapists employing a process known as formulation to understand the root causes of your depression. This involves examining family history; some individuals notice a clear pattern of depression within their families. Alternatively, others may pinpoint specific triggers like challenging situations or losses. In the therapeutic process, emphasis is placed on exploring the beliefs you hold about yourself. Significant events can sometimes give rise to beliefs such as feeling worthless or unlovable. Through therapy, the goal is to delve into these beliefs, understand how they influence your behaviour, and explore alternative thoughts and behaviours that may prove more beneficial, ultimately contributing to a reduction in depression.


When should I seek professional help for depression?

It's important to get professional help if you're thinking about self-harm. Many people have thoughts like wishing they were better off dead, but just having these thoughts doesn't mean you'll act on them. A key question is understanding what stops you from acting on those thoughts. Even if you're only thinking about self-harm, talking to a healthcare professional is important.


Dr Sarah Barker is an esteemed clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience. You can schedule an appointment with Dr Barker on her Top Doctors profile.

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Dr Sarah Barker

La dott.ssa Sarah Barker è una psicologa clinica consulente esperta con sede a Londra con oltre 20 anni di esperienza . È specializzata in dolore cronico , fobie dentali , disturbo post traumatico da stress , salute fisica , ansia e depressione .

Il dott. Barker ha una vasta esperienza di lavoro con individui, gruppi, famiglie e coppie che trattano un'ampia varietà di condizioni sia psicologiche che fisiche. Ha completato una formazione aggiuntiva in terapia cognitivo-comportamentale e terapia sistemica e recentemente si è interessata alla consapevolezza e alla terapia di accettazione e impegno , che ha portato alla sua ricerca editoriale su approcci narrativi, dolore cronico e malattie croniche. La dott.ssa Barker ha anche intrapreso un addestramento di livello I e II in EMDR che ritiene utile per affrontare il trauma che può essere causa di una condizione cronica.

Per quanto riguarda il dolore cronico e l'ansia dentale, il dott. Barker ricopre un posto presso il SSN presso il Kings College Hospital occupandosi di pazienti che soffrono di dolore cronico al viso. Sta inoltre sviluppando una terapia cognitivo-comportamentale per i pazienti che soffrono di questo tipo di dolore, conducendo ricerche qualitative per valutare l'impatto della lesione del nervo iatrogeno, ad esempio a seguito di un trauma chirurgico, in modo più dettagliato. Ha inoltre sviluppato un seminario diurno multidisciplinare per i pazienti con lesioni del nervo trigemino dopo molti anni di posizioni cliniche e manageriali che si occupano di gestione del dolore ambulatoriale e residenziale.

È anche membro attivo della British Psychological Society, della Facoltà di Psicologia della salute clinica, della Divisione di Psicologia clinica e della British Pain Society.

HCPC : PYL02061

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Trattamenti psicologici
    Terapia di coppia
    Psicologia infantile
    Valutazione psicologica
    Dipendenze tossiche (alcolismo)
    Disturbi psicotici
    Disturbi alimentari
    Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo
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