Preservation rhinoplasty: how to restore your nose after injury

Autore: Ms Lydia Badia
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 08/04/2020
Editor: Nicholas Howley

Nasal injuries are common in sport – particularly contact sports such as rugby. Because the nose doesn’t always heal properly on its own, the recovery process can leave your nose looking different to how it was before. Luckily, there is treatment that can help. Preservation rhinoplasty aims to restore an injured nose to its original form. We spoke with one of the UK’s leading rhinoplasty surgeons, Ms Lydia Badia, about how preservation rhinoplasty works.


Who is a good candidate for preservation rhinoplasty?

The best time to seek treatment is a couple of weeks after you’ve injured your nose. When you injure your nose badly you’ll need immediate attention if the nose is bleeding heavily, if it’s causing difficulty with breathing, or if there is a suspected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. After two weeks, the swelling will have settled and you will be in a good position to see a nose specialist.

However, it’s also possible to seek treatment years after your original injury. We often see patients with years-old injuries who have since developed scarring of the soft tissues on the nose. In other words, it’s never too late to see a specialist!

What happens when I see the specialist?

When you come to the clinic we will need to assess whether there is any misalignment of the nose, and therefore whether surgical treatment is necessary. This might involve taking a CT scan of your nose.

If there is little or no misalignment of the nose, then we might be able to treat you using non-surgical techniques. This generally involves the use of a filler such as hyaluronic acid to restore the shape of your nose.

Read more: Non-surgical rhinoplasty >

Even if surgery is necessary, we tend to use a biostimulatory filler to improve the collagen of the soft tissues of your nose prior to surgical reconstruction.

How does the filling process work?

We start by injecting your nose with local anaesthetic, then insert a small cannula. This stage is important – it involves breaking down any tight scars and preparing the area for the filler so that it spreads more evenly.

The filler itself has an immediate volumising effect, but it will be gradually reabsorbed by the body over a period of 6-8 weeks. During this time, the filler will cause the weak collagen in your nose to be denatured and new collagen to grow. This is a powerful way to restore the shape of the nose.

When do I have the surgery?

The rhinoplasty itself, if required, is carried out around three months after treatment with fillers. After this, it can take up to 18-24 months for the shape of your nose to settle.

Read more: what to expect from a rhinoplasty >

If you’d like to discuss nose restoration and your treatment options, book a consultation with Ms Lydia Badia today .

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Ms Lydia Badia

Ms Lydia Badia

Miss Lydia Badia è una delle principali rinoplastiche e chirurghi facciali di Londra. Dopo le qualifiche presso la Medical School di Barcellona, ​​ha ricevuto la sua formazione chirurgica in alcuni dei più prestigiosi ospedali di Londra, tra cui l'ospedale di Charing Cross, il St. Mary's Hospital e il Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital. Dopo essere stata nominata chirurgo consulente nel 2001 presso il Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, ha continuato a perfezionare le sue abilità come chirurgo specialista, con particolare interesse per la rinoplastica.

Oltre a essere la Honorary Senior Lecturer presso gli University College Hospitals, tiene anche conferenze in conferenze sia internazionali che nazionali. Ha anche pubblicato su riviste peer-reviewed e ha contribuito a libri basati sulla sua vasta esperienza. Le sue specialità includono la rinoplastica, la septorhinoplastica e il ringiovanimento del viso non chirurgico. La cura del paziente è della massima importanza per lei, poiché mira ad aiutare le persone a sentirsi meglio con se stesse e la propria salute, cercando sempre di ottenere i migliori risultati. Il suo interesse principale è nella bellezza naturale e rigenerativa. Lei utilizza soluzioni innovative per trattamenti di bellezza come lo stimolatore di colagen.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Fili Tensori
    Lifting glutei
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Ricostruzione facciale
    Malformazioni congenite
    Chirurgia plastica facciale
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