Tummy tuck: FAQ

Autore: Mr Simon Heppell OBE
Editor: Aoife Maguire

The tummy tuck is a very popular procedure designed to reduce skin excess around the stomach. Highly distinguished consultant plastic surgeon Mr Simon Heppell OBE answers your frequently asked questions about the procedure.   


What is an abdominoplasty?

An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck is an operation to reduce abdominal volume and skin excess. It is suitable for both female and male patients. It is carried out under a general anaesthetic and as a day-case procedure. The duration of the operation depends on the extent of the reduction.



What are the different types of abdominoplasty available?

A tummy tuck can range from a ‘mini’ abdominoplasty all the way up to a 360lift. Scars from a ‘mini’ abdominoplasty are relatively narrow across the lower part of the front of your abdomen, while those from a 3600 lift can extend up to 3600 around your torso and/or with a vertical scar up the middle at the front. The operation which is most suited to you will be discussed and advised by your consultant.


Is a tummy tuck a safe procedure?

The majority of tummy tuck or abdominal reduction surgery goes very well and patients are very happy with the results. However, complications can and occasionally do occur. This will also be discussed during your consultations.


If you think that you have an excess of fat and skin on your tummy then abdominoplasty may be a very suitable operation for you. Online research about the procedures can be very helpful but if you are considering surgery, you should book a consultation at a surgical clinic. During the consultation, you and the consultant can discuss your individual circumstance and needs, in order to determine which treatment is best for you.



Can I add another treatment to my tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck alone is suitable for many patients but sometimes it may be appropriate to add liposuction or VASERLipo to your procedure. If you are considering VASERlipo, you can discuss it with the surgeon at your initial and pre-op consultations.


VASERLipo involves the use of ultrasonic energy to disturb the fat allowing for a smoother removal. It can also tighten the skin to a degree.




If you are considering a tummy tuck and would like to discuss your options with Mr Heppell, do not hesitate to book a consultation through his Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Simon Heppell OBE
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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