Vaginal laxity: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Autore: Dr Nadia Yousri
Editor: Conor Dunworth

In her latest online article, highly experienced OB-GYN surgeon Dr Nadia Yousri offers her expert insight into vaginal laxity. She explains what causes this position, as well as the different treatment options available.


What is vaginal laxity, and what causes it?

Vaginal laxity refers to a condition characterised by a loss of firmness in the vaginal wall, resulting in a loosened vaginal opening. This condition is often accompanied by a deficiency in connective tissue and weakened pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina.

The primary cause of vaginal laxity typically arises after childbirth, due to the mechanical overstretching of tissues and birth-related injuries, including surgical scars. Additionally, hormonal changes, such as those occurring during menopause, can contribute to this condition by causing a decline in oestrogen levels, which are crucial for maintaining tissue strength and elasticity.


Symptoms of vaginal laxity (VL):

Vaginal laxity manifests with a range of symptoms stemming from the loss of support in the vaginal wall and pelvic floor muscles. Common symptoms include stress urinary incontinence (leakage when laughing, jumping, running, or coughing), increased bladder urgency, reduced vaginal sensitivity leading to sexual dissatisfaction and orgasmic dysfunction, and, in some cases, faecal urgency or faecal incontinence. Later in life, prolapse or sagging of the vaginal wall can also occur if left untreated, underscoring the importance of early intervention.


Age-related effects in the vaginal area:

In addition to hormonal changes leading to vaginal relaxation syndrome, ageing can bring about various other effects in this area. These include vaginal atrophy, characterised by vaginal wall shortening and narrowing, as well as the contraction and loss of the clitoral body. The outer labia may become flattened or parted, and there can be a loss of collagen and elastin fibres, as well as thinning of the vaginal wall lining.

A decrease in the normal vaginal flora, known as lactobacilli, can lead to an increased susceptibility to infections and reduced blood flow. Furthermore, hyaluronic acid content in the vaginal area may decrease. These combined effects result in tissue narrowing, contraction, and distortion, significantly affecting a woman's quality of life. Symptoms may encompass vaginal dryness, itching, burning sensations, dyspareunia (pain during intercourse), and increased urinary issues, such as frequency and urgency, collectively referred to as genitourinary symptoms.


Vaginal laxity treatment options

Treatment for vaginal laxity syndrome offers several avenues, including conservative options like oestrogen supplementation and pelvic floor exercises. However, these may not be suitable for all individuals.

Surgery is another option, yielding excellent results but can be invasive, expensive, require extended recovery periods, and have inherent risks, such as injury to surrounding structures, bleeding, and infection. Moreover, surgical outcomes may not be enduring, with potential recurrence after a few years.

An increasingly popular and less invasive alternative is non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation, a medical sub-specialty. This approach relies on natural or non-surgical methods, such as energy-based devices or plasma injections. In the hands of skilled practitioners, non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation can yield impressive results with minimal downtime. It is crucial to note that these devices, such as laser energy or high-frequency devices, should only be administered by well-trained doctors or gynaecologists to mitigate potential complications. Finding an experienced and qualified practitioner is paramount to ensuring the safety and success of the procedure.

In conclusion, vaginal laxity is a condition that can significantly impact a woman's quality of life, but there are effective treatment options available, ranging from conservative approaches to surgical and non-surgical interventions. It is essential for individuals considering treatment to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced healthcare provider to determine the most suitable approach for their specific needs.



If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Nadia Yousri, you can do so today via her Top Doctors profile.

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Dr Nadia Yousri
Ginecologia e Ostetricia

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