Fat transfer: a natural alternative to traditional implants

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Published: 08/03/2017
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Fat transfer, adipose tissue grafting, lipofillings, lipoimplants or lipostructure involve basically grafting portions of body fat in receptor sites in order to change shape and appearance or to make use of the fat's regenerative capabilities. What is most important is that the fragments of fat to be grafted should be very delicately liposuctioned in very small sizes to facilitate their subsequent survival.

The benefits of having a fat transfer


With fat transfer it is possible to shape the whole of the face, men's torsos, women's breasts (in aesthetic fat transfer breast augmentation or reconstruction), forearms, hands and wrists, calves, thighs and ankles, as well as the penis and labia. In reparatory surgery, it can be used as a regenerative material for the elimination or improvement of fibrosis, scars, adhesions, closing ulcers, and much more.

The structure and characteristics of the adipose tissue allow for it to be collected easily using suction with a small-diameter cannula tube (between 2 or 3 millimetres). The collected tissue can then be injected using a tube or needles measuring between 1.5 and 2 millimetres, literally transferring the fat from one place to another. In this way, whatever the location of the graft, the fat transfer can be carried out with virtually no scarring and imperceptible incisions.

The great advantage compared to other types of filling is that the adipose tissue is inserted as is, a biological material that is removed and reinserted into the same patient. This prevents any rejection or irregularities on a short and long-term basis after fat transfer surgery. As a living tissue, the fat will age with the patient and adapt to changes in weight.


How long do the effects of a fat transfer last?


A fat transfer is more durable, biologically natural and reliable than solid or injectable synthetic implants, while the same potential side effects still exist. Furthermore, it has regenerative capabilities thanks to stem cells. Once the grafted fat has taken and survived, it becomes like any other tissue and therefore does not disappear. Of course, with ageing or weight changes there may be changes in the treated areas, and in this event, it is possible that the patient may require further treatment.

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