How long does a breast uplift last?

Written by:

Mr Domenico Mileto

Plastic surgeon

Published: 09/10/2018
Edited by: Nicholas Howley

Mastopexy – or breast uplift – is a popular cosmetic procedure if you’re self-conscious about your appearance after having children. We asked reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgeon Mr Domenico Mileto about how much the procedure costs and how long the results last.

When is a breast lift or mastopexy required?

Mastopexy is a procedure primarily concerned with improving the shape of the breasts, reducing the excess of skin which is usually a consequence of weight loss and pregnancies.

A mastopexy can be carried out on its own or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures. For example, when breasts have lost their volume, a breast implant can be placed at the same time as a mastopexy, to restore the fullness of the breast.

How long does a breast uplift last?

Breast uplift is a permanent procedure – the breast will maintain the new shape and position for a long time. The precise length of time depends on many factors, including the residual weight of the breasts and elasticity of the skin.

That being said, weight fluctuations and pregnancies can significantly affect the size and shape of the breasts even after breast uplift surgery. This is why we recommend waiting to have the surgery until after having children.

Can you have a breast lift without surgery?

Obviously a push-up bra can improve the appearance of breasts but this is not necessarily a satisfactory solution.

There are many adverts for non-invasive treatments such as creams or radio frequency which claim they can achieve some improvement. However, surgery (when indicated) will always be more effective in comparison.

How much does a breast lift cost?

Prices can vary, usually ranging from £5000 to £9000, and this also depends on whether an implant is to be used at the same time.

How long after a breast lift do I need to wait to exercise?

After the procedure, moderate activity mainly involving the lower body can be started after 4 weeks, such as cycling or leg exercises. For any upper body exercise it is better to wait 8 weeks. When you do exercise, always use a good sport bra.

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