How to get rid of under eye bags

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Published: 07/03/2017
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Treating the under-eye area is complex, and patients are not normally aware that it can be treated. It affects men as much as women and particularly young people who are genetically predisposed to developing under eye bags, which can make them appear tired, as though they have slept badly. It is an area that can be treated and improved, but there are many patients who are not aware that there is an easy solution.

What is involved in the treatment of under eye bags?

Treating this area involves injecting resorbable material such as collagen or hyaluronic acid adapted to this area. The treatment is generally well-received, as the patient can immediately see the results, although it must be said that it is an anatomically complex area that must be treated by an expert and with the appropriate facial product in order to achieve good results.

Is anaesthetic necessary during eye bag injections?

This is not a painful area and the treatment can be carried out without any sort of anaesthetic. If the patient is particularly sensitive to pain a numbing cream can be used. It is also important to bear in mind that hyaluronic acid adapted for this area already contains an anaesthetic lidocaine making this under eye bags treatment fast and practically painless.

What are the results of eye bag injections like?

Excellent results are achievable from the first session. Under eye bags must be treated gradually and progressively to avoid over-correcting it in the first session. Normally it is done over one or two sessions or a maximum of three. The results are excellent and patients are satisfied from the first moment. The skin is very fine and sensitive around the eyes and the patient may experience some bruising or swelling in the first days following the treatment. However, these side effects are temporary and reversible.

How long does the effect of treatment last?

Duration of the effect depends on the amount of product injected. As stated, under eye bags should not be over-corrected, and which must be treated gradually to find the exact dose that suits the patient. Duration also depends on the product. The product we use is not highly reticulated as the skin is very fine. However, the procedure is usually carried out once or twice a year to maintain optimal results.

Read more: what causes puffy eyes?

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