Scar removal treatment FAQs

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Published: 23/11/2020
Edited by: Robert Smith

Top Doctors looks at the different types of scars and how they should be treated in this article. We discuss different techniques such as Z-plasty and elliptical incision. Also, we find out if scars can ever disappear completely with treatment.



Why might scar removal be necessary and what types of scars can be removed?

Scarring is a natural healing process after any surgery or accidental injury. Some people naturally make better scars than others and as surgeons, we cannot accurately predict how the scar will appear after the surgery, but we are aware that certain areas of the body produce worse scars than other areas. Usually the surgeon tries to choose a good site and direction of the incision.

The are several different types of scars:

Keloid scars are the result of an aggressive healing process that continues to grow encroaching upon normal tissue. Contracture scars tighten the skin which can impair the ability to move and the scars go deeper affecting muscles and nerve Hypertrophic scars are raised red scars which are similar to keloid scars but do not go beyond the margin. Acne scars — there are many types of acne scars ranging from deep pits to scars that are deeper and cover large area.

What are the different types of non-surgical treatments that are available?

Types of non-surgical treatments that are available include:

Steroid injection Laser Cryotherapy (Freezing therapy using liquid nitrogen)  Using different type of creams  Using silicone sheets to flatten the scars.

When is surgery necessary for scar removal?

With surgical scar revision, the old scars can be removed by one of the several techniques and is repaired. This can be done under local anaesthesia.

About all the different techniques:

The surgeon will choose one of the following techniques once he sees the scar after a proper examination:

Z-Plasty M-Plasty W-Plasty Elliptical incision

What happens during this surgical procedure?

These techniques are very difficult to explain to the patient but we can tell him/her how the incision will appear after removal of their old scar.

What results might I expect? Does the scar fully disappear?

The best aesthetic results are when the surgeon, like myself, closes the scar under no tension, this allows for the best healing process to occur. The appearance of the new scar after removal of the old scar is going to be improved 90 per cent.



If you have a scar that you would like to have removed, arrange an appointment with one of our leading scar removal experts today. 

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