Anterior hip replacement

What is an anterior hip replacement?

All hip replacement surgeries remove the damaged hip joint to replace it with prosthetic components to improve the hip’s function. Hip replacements can differ in the surgical procedure.

An anterior hip replacement replaces the worn-out joint, removing the diseased joint and bone and inserting a new ball and socket joint. The anterior approach is a method of inserting the artificial joint through the front (anterior) without cutting any muscles or damaging any nerves.

Other surgical approaches, such as lateral and posterior, involve cutting the muscles or tendons. The anterior approach leaves no muscle damage and is an advantage for patients to recover more quickly, with less pain and without a limp.

What are the symptoms of a joint that needs hip replacement surgery?

The symptoms of a joint requiring a hip replacement usually include pain in the groin, which may radiate to the lower back, buttock and down to the knees. Daily activities such as going up and down the stairs, getting up from chairs, walking and driving, become more difficult.


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