Anti-DNase B

What is being analysed?

Anti-DNase B is an antibody that targets an enzyme called deoxyribonuclease B (DNase B), which is produced by certain bacteria, particularly Group A Streptococcus. This test measures the levels of Anti-DNase B antibodies in the blood.

What does the result mean?

Elevated levels of Anti-DNase B antibodies may indicate a recent or past infection with Group A Streptococcus bacteria. Conversely, normal or low levels suggest no recent exposure to this bacterium.

Why do the analysis?

The analysis of Anti-DNase B antibodies helps in diagnosing streptococcal infections, particularly those caused by Group A Streptococcus. It aids in confirming a recent infection or determining if a patient has had a previous exposure to the bacteria.

When to do the analysis?

The Anti-DNase B test is typically performed when a streptococcal infection is suspected, especially if symptoms such as sore throat, fever, or skin infections are present. It may also be done to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

What sample is required?

A blood sample is required for the Anti-DNase B test. This sample is usually drawn from a vein in the arm using a needle and syringe.

Is any type of prior preparation necessary?

No special preparation is usually needed for the Anti-DNase B test. However, it's essential to inform the healthcare provider about any medications or supplements being taken, as certain drugs can affect the test results.

How is it used?

The Anti-DNase B test is used in conjunction with other tests to diagnose streptococcal infections, especially if the symptoms are ambiguous or if other tests, such as throat cultures, yield inconclusive results.

What are the normal values?

Normal values for Anti-DNase B antibodies can vary depending on the laboratory and the specific assay used. Generally, levels below a certain threshold are considered normal, while levels above that threshold may indicate a recent streptococcal infection.

What does it mean to have altered values?

Elevated levels of Anti-DNase B antibodies suggest recent or past exposure to Group A Streptococcus bacteria, indicating a possible streptococcal infection. Conversely, normal or low levels indicate no recent exposure to the bacteria.

Normal values of Anti-DNase B Antibodies

Age Group

Normal Range (U/mL)

Children (0-12)


Adults (>12)      


These values may vary slightly depending on the laboratory and the specific assay method used for testing.

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