Caudal epidural

What is a caudal epidural?

A caudal epidural, also known as a caudal nerve block, is an injection which contains a mixture of local anaesthetic and steroid (hydrocortisone).

Where exactly is a caudal epidural injected?

It is injected into the patient's inflamed areas of the spinal canal. In other words, these injections are administered into one's lower back. 

What does a caudal epidural entail? How exactly is it administered?

During a caudal epidural injection, the patient will be asked to lie face-down on top of an X-ray table, and a pain management specialist will then inject the numbing medication injection to the lower back of the patient. A needle will be used here in order for the specialist to safely be able to inject a specific dye into the epidural space. 

What does a caudal epidural treat? What are the reasons for having one?

A caudal epidural, in the majority of cases, acts as a significant pain reliever for patients suffering from lower back and lower leg pain and general discomfort in those respective areas of the body. The main conditions that can be treated with a caudal epidural include spinal stenosis, post-laminectomy syndrome, herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, as well as sciatica

What causes can typically lead to spinal canal inflammation and general lower back and leg pain?

This inflammation can result from spinal stenosis or spinal disc prolapse.

Is a caudal epidural an effective cure for inflammation of the spinal canal area?

Whilst it is not a cure, the pain relief provided aims to significantly help relieve and reduce lower back pain and lower leg pain. The majority of patients' back and leg pain is fully relieved within a matter of days following a caudal epidural. 

How long do the effects of a caudal epidural last?

The effects of a caudal epidural can last up to several months, but they aren't permanent. 

What does recovery time involve after receiving a caudal epidural injection?

It is important to stress that caudal epidural injections are quick, relatively painless, outpatient procedures, so the patient will be allowed to go home the same day. 

Learn more about epidurals, including caudal epidurals, on the NHS website, or book an appointment with a specialist.

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