
What is divorce?

The end of a marriage can be a traumatic experience for divorcees. Sometimes, this trauma requires the help of a specialist to overcome. The objective of psychological help is to lessen the negative effect the divorce has on the patient.

What are the stages of a divorce?

The phases of mourning may not be presented in an orderly manner: they can be intermingled and overlapping. It’s possible to progress to one stage but go back to an earlier stage. It’s important to understand the phases and how to respond to them – this is something a specialist in psychology can help with.

Denial: Usually, this is the first phase. During denial, a person is unable to accept that the relationship has ended and that the breakup is real. The person goes into a state of shock and becomes obsessed with resuming the relationship in any way. In this phase, anxiety, stress, insomnia and panic attacks can occur.

Guilt: In this phase, the person tends to take responsibility for everything that has happened despite it not being a solution. It’s important to be aware of and take responsibility for any participation in the end of the relationship, but not for the whole problem.

Hopelessness: the main feeling at this stage is sadness. The pain is usually accompanied by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. Furthermore, there can be a fear of never being loved again or being unable to get over the relationship.

Anger: When the person is frustrated, feelings of anger towards their ex-partner develop. When they get over the breakup, they will also get over the feelings of anger.

Acceptance: This is the turning point in mourning and the last stage in accepting that the relationship has ended. This part is essential for starting a new life.

What is divorce therapy?

Treatment consists of therapy with a specialist in psychology. The therapy will help you regain self-esteem and self-confidence. The main goal of therapy is to accept the divorce and do it in the way that best suits you as an individual.

What steps should I take after a divorce?

For those who go through divorce, it’s a huge stage of life: it involves physical, economic, social, emotional and psychological challenges. Experts recommend following some guidelines to alleviate the stress that divorce can cause. This is because stress can eventually lead to a variety of disorders. Among the tips of the experts are:

Organize your time and manage emotions to find mental balance Identify strong emotions and manage them so that they do not affect you or the people around you Ensure you’re getting enough rest and exercise Maintain a healthy and balanced diet

Which specialist helps with divorce?

Professionals in psychology provide support on how to adapt to life during and after divorce.

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