Laser blepharoplasty

What is laser blepharoplasty?

Laser blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery that removes excess skin from the upper eyelid and under the eyes. This is done for aesthetic purposes, and sometimes to improve the appearance for patients with facial paralysis.

Why is laser blepharoplasty performed?

Laser blepharoplasty is a cosmetic medical procedure aimed at rejuvenating a person’s appearance by reducing or eliminating sagging or puffy skin around the eyes.

What does laser blepharoplasty involve?

It is performed under local anaesthetic, and a laser is passed over the upper eyelid to remove the excess skin. The same procedure is then performed on the lower eyelid. A laser probe is used to dissolve the fat.

Laser blepharoplasty does not leave a scar, as only a small incision is made in an inconspicuous area for insertion of the laser probe. The procedure takes around half an hour and does not require hospitalisation.

How should I prepare for laser blepharoplasty?

If you have skin problems or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor to see if you are suitable for laser blepharoplasty treatment.

What's involved in post-laser blepharoplasty procedure care? 

Complete recovery after laser blepharoplasty surgery takes around ten days. If you feel any pain, you can take anti-inflammatory medication and apply cold-packs to the area to reduce inflammation. It is important to avoid exposure to the sun and to moisturise the treated area.

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