Lip repositioning surgery

What is lip repositioning surgery?


Lip repositioning surgery is an operation that surgically corrects a patient's gummy smile. This is achieved by limiting the muscles that are responsible for lifting the upper lip. Essentially, lip repositioning surgery is performed in order to restrict how high the upper lip can rise when a patient smiles.


The surgery's objective is to ensure that the upper lip of the patient remains as close as possible to the patient's teeth, which, as a result, will minimise the amount of visible gum inside the mouth. 



What are the pros and cons of undergoing lip repositioning surgery?


Undergoing a lip repositioning operation can be highly beneficial to anyone who might be self-conscious about their smile. Other benefits include: 

Results are noticeable immediately Recovery is straightforward Only local anaesthesia is used


Unlike the treatment of gummy smile with Botox™, which only lasts for three to four months, lip repositioning surgery is permanent. 


What happens during a lip repositioning operation?


If the surgeon deems that the patient will benefit from this operation, then he or she will start by injecting local anaesthesia into the patient's gums to numb that area for the operation to take place. Two incisions will then be made just below the area where the gums meet the upper lip. Then, a flap of gum tissue between the two incisions will be removed. Following this, the upper and lower sections will be joined together with sutures. 


Is lip repositioning surgery safe?


Yes, this operations tends to be very safe indeed. It is not uncommon, though, that patients suffer from mild bruising, swelling, and/or discomfort in the immediate aftermath of the surgery. 


How long does lip repositioning last?


In the majority of cases, lip repositioning is permanent. It is, however, as mentioned above, rare but still possible that patients' results may be reversed after a couple of months. 


How long does lip repositioning surgery take?


Lip repositioning surgery is not an extremely long surgical procedure. Typically, lip repositioning surgery will take roughly 45 minutes to complete. 


What is recovery from lip repositioning surgery like?


Recovery is extremely quick and straightforward. After the surgery, the patient may be given nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral antibiotics in order to alleviate the risk of inflammation and/or infection. The sutures are self-absorbable and will fall out automatically within seven to 10 days. 

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