Lymphatic drainage

What is it?


Lymphatic drainage is a massage that stimulates the lymph vessels (which carry waste products from the tissues back towards the heart) in order to eliminate interstitial fluid and boost the lymph flow.



What is it for?


The massage has an anti-oedema and analgesic effect over the smooth muscle tissue, and it is indicated to reduce the orange peel skin that is caused by cellulitis, and to treat post-surgical oedema or scarring.


The technique was pioneered in the 1930s by the doctors Emil and Estrid Vodder, in order to treat chronic sinusitis and other immune disorders. These doctors studied the lymph system extensively, which, at the time, was little understood. Nowadays, lymphatic drainage shows mixed results in its efficacy, but therapists can still receive certification in the technique. 


What does it involve?


Lymphatic drainage consists of a gentle and repetitive massage whose rhythm, slower than that of traditional massage, and adherence to the skin without the aid of any product, favours the activation of the lymph and the removal of toxins and waste products.


It is recommended that you have frequent sessions: 2 to 3 a week to start with, followed by 2 to 4 maintenance sessions a month. However, this may vary depending on your condition and the severity.

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