Memory test

What is a memory test?

Memory tests assess the ability of memory in the short and medium term. They are used to detect possible memory loss and its associated disease. Identifying the memory capacity is essential before carrying out memory exercises that help recovery.

Sometimes memory loss is a consequence of depression. It can be difficult to tell the difference between memory loss and confusion due to this condition.

Memory tests help control, evaluate and improve a person's memory. It is estimated that from 25 years of age, thousands of neurons disappear on a daily basis and regular training allows to cope with this irreversible disappearance.

What does it consist of?

There are various memory tests, usually with simple and short questions. Most of these consist of various questions that can encompass various aspects:

Patient communication Memory Sense of direction Questions about space Attention and concentration

They can also include questions that must be answered by relatives or people close to the patient, so that the specialist has a more complete understanding.

Why is it done?

Over the years, memory capacities are reduced. This can be considered a normal symptom of ageing but also a serious illness.

The main form of dementia is Alzheimer's, which is characterised by a decrease in intellectual and memory capacity. It is very beneficial to detect the pathology in advance, since in this way the negative effects can be slowed down. There are also other conditions that can cause memory loss in adults and that need an early diagnosis to receive proper care.

Preparation for a memory test

A memory test will be carried out by a neurologist who will ask various questions. This test can be done at home, a nursing home, or a hospital. It is recommended that the person be accompanied by a family member or friend.

No special preparation is required to perform a memory test. It is important to do it when experience initial memory loss symptoms that may include:

Asking the same questions repeatedly Mixing or forgetting common words when speaking Getting lost in familiar areas Storing objects in inappropriate places Mood swings for no apparent reason

What happens during a memory test?

In conjunction with the memory test, the specialist is likely to perform a general physical examination and other reasoning skills will be evaluated. The specialist may require a blood test and diagnostic imaging tests of the brain.

What happens after memory loss has been diagnosed?

Once memory impairment has been identified, patients can receive early and adequate memory loss treatment. This is highly beneficial for starting treatment and controlling symptoms. Here are some things that you can do after diagnosis:

Get informed and inform relatives and close people; Decide care preferences in the future; Resolve financial or legal issues.

The specialist can also make various recommendations that will help the patient cope with memory loss and other associated symptoms of dementia.

New innovations

Work is constantly being done, such as new studies and research in order to develop new tests that detect cognitive disorders. New shorter and simpler tests are sometimes developed, which are more effective at detecting if a person has memory problems or other associated signs.

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