
What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a technique performed to give younger-looking, softer, and cleaner skin. This procedure rejuvenates the skin naturally, helping to eliminate scars and reduce wrinkles. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that removes the most superficial layers of the skin. It is similar to peeling but is less aggressive.

It helps reduce expression lines and fine wrinkles, improve stretch marks, reduce hyperpigmentation and widening of the pores, minimise the signs of ageing and sun damage, and it boosts the circulation to achieve healthier-looking skin. This treatment requires no recovery time.

What does it involve?

Microdermabrasion promotes cell regeneration, increases the production of collagen and provides greater elasticity to the skin. The procedure involves exfoliating the external layer of the epidermis and then polishing the skin with tiny diamond or aluminium tips that remove imperfections, wrinkles and sun spots that have appeared in recent months.

This results in improved consistency of the skin and gives it a clearer, rosier tone and a softer feel. Treatment usually takes around 35 to 40 minutes.

How to prepare for it

Before having microdermabrasion treatment, the dermatologist may recommend creams for preparing the skin, which should be applied up to 48 hours beforehand. In addition, the treatment needs to be performed on clean skin, free of all traces of makeup or dirt. 

Post-treatment care

Following microdermabrasion treatment, it is important to apply a soothing cream and to use sun protection.

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