Nipple reconstruction

What is a nipple reconstruction?

Nipple reduction surgery is a plastic and cosmetic procedure done to correct and/or improve the nipple and areola shape. Nipples can be very long, saggy, or too large, whereas the areola can be very wide, compromising one’s desired aesthetical balance.

What is it for?

This surgery can be requested by both men (to treat gynaecomastia) and women. It can be done as a single procedure or associated with another surgery, for instance, breast reduction or augmentation.

What does nipple reduction surgery involve?

Nipple reduction surgery is a fairly simple procedure: it can last from 30 to 45 minutes, and it can be done under local anaesthetic at your nearest outpatient clinic. Given the sensitivity of the area and the possibility of complications when breastfeeding, many specialists advise to only request this procedure if you have a specific condition.

In particular, areola reduction surgery consists in removing a more pigmented area of your skin, suturing it with an almost invisible thread to avoid any visible scars.

How can I prepare for it?

As this is a cosmetic procedure, you and your surgeon will determine together the new shape and size of the nipples, so that the results are to your satisfaction.

What is recovery time like?

Given that the procedure is done at your local outpatient clinic, you can go home on the same day after the surgery. You will be able to go back to your daily activities after 24 hours. You should avoid any straining, doing vigorous movements with your arms and sunbathing. You may go back to your exercise routine after two weeks.

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