Split earlobe repair

What is split earlobe repair?

Split earlobe repair is a minor procedure performed to bring together an earlobe that has separated into two or partially split.

What can cause split earlobes?

There are many possible causes of the splitting of one or both earlobes. Most often, wearing earrings is related to the problem. Possible causes of split earlobes include:

Acute trauma: such as an earring being pulled through the pierced hole by accident Repeated pulling of clothing on or over the head while wearing earrings The regular wear of heavy earrings, which can lengthen the piercing hole and cause it to pull over time, particularly if you have thin earlobes Clip-on earrings that are too tight can cause a split because of restricting blood flow to the earlobe, leading to necrosis (death) of part of the earlobe. Some piercings are purposefully stretched for large ear tunnels

What is involved in the split earlobe repair process?

Pre-surgery, you should informing your doctor if you have a history of large scars or keloids. A discussion about your desired results and aims for the procedure is also important. As part of this, you should also tell your surgeon whether you'd still like to wear earrings going forward as some surgical techniques involve leaving a small hole for earrings after the repair. 

During surgery

Local anaesthesic is injected into or around the affected area, which is also cleaned with antiseptic. Once the area is numb, a small amount of skin surrounding the split or widened hole is cut out. Then the split area is restitched back together with a special technique called 'W-plasty.' This prevents indentation or notching from occurring as the scar heals.

The material used for the stitches for your split earlobe repair procedure may determine whether you need to return to your doctor for removal. If they are absorbed by the body, they don't need to be removed.

Are there any risks involved in the split earlobe repair process?

There are various complications and risks that can result from split earlobe repair:

Pain Bleeding Infection Scarring - if you have a history of getting large scars, you may be at a higher risk Indentation, notching or depression of the skin operated on

If you have any concerns about your earlobe following surgery, you should seek medical advice to ensure it is healing appropriately. 

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