Studies of skin types

What are skin type studies?

Skin type studies determine whether we have mixed, oily, dry, sensitive or normal skin. This is carried out by a dermatologist. 


Why skin type studies performed?

The passage of time, or external factors such as sun exposure, environmental impact, some diseases, hormonal changes, certain medications or food, affect the skin. A skin study can be performed to find out what type of skin you have, as each person requires a personalised treatment based on the characteristics of their skin.

The study provides information about the skin’s level of hydration, elasticity, thickness and sebaceous secretion. The classification includes four basic types:

Dry skin which suffers greater water loss and is less protected against potential damage Oily skin with high sebaceous secretion Sensitive skin which is highly reactive to stimuli Normal skin which has a good balance of water and sebum levels.


You can learn which type of skin you have by going to a specialist and having a skin type study performed. This will help prevent future skin problems and you will learn which creams, shampoos and soaps are best for your skin type.


How to prepare for a skin type study:

No specific preparation is necessary. However, for the specialist to be able to analyse the skin correctly, the face must be well washed and free of make-up and other cosmetic products.


What do you feel during a skin type study?

The test is completely painless with no discomfort.


What about abnormal results?

It is unlikely you will have abnormal results. However, if the dermatologist discovers any kind of skin lesion, they will advise you of any action you need to take.

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