Tear trough filler

What does tear trough filler do?  

The tear trough is the area between the lower eyelid and upper cheek where the tears often flow if you cry. Over time, these tear troughs can become darker, more hollow, and longer, giving the impression of being tired. Tear trough filler is a treatment to remove the appearance of dark-colour and fine lines beneath your eyes, leading to a more youthful, fuller appearance. 



How does tear trough filler treatment work?  

Tear trough filler is a non-surgical treatment, involving a series of injections below the eye. As we age, the skin below the eyes becomes looser. Tear trough filler involves an injection of hyaluronic acid gel formula that replaces lost volume while retaining skin hydration. The treatment usually takes only twenty to thirty minutes, and you will be able to leave the clinic following the treatment. 

Is tear trough filler painful?  

Tear trough fillers might feel slightly uncomfortable but the procedure isn’t painful. Topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the area approximately fifteen minutes before the hyaluronic acid gel is injected, numbing the area to reduce discomfort. The gel itself has an anaesthetic in it too. 

What are the side effects of tear trough filler?  

Like any filler, swelling and bruising in the days after the injection is very common. Some patients may also experience lumps or bleeding, but these will all settle within a few days. To reduce any risks, it is crucial that someone qualified and experienced, with a good knowledge of facial anatomy, injects the filler.  

If you notice that the fillers are impacting your vision immediately, like loss of vision or floaters appearing, mention it straight away so that the filler can be dissolved to prevent long term sight-loss or damage to the eye.  

When are the results of tear trough fillers visible?   

Following treatment, you will be able to see the results almost immediately. You may experience some swelling below the eyes, and often some bruising may appear for a few days following the procedure. After about two weeks, the final result will be visible.  



What does the aftercare of tear trough filler entail?  

It is advised to avoid physical activity and rough physical contact with the eye area in the days following the treatment, to allow healing and swelling to decrease. Avoiding alcohol helps to avoid further swelling of the eye area for at least 24 hours. Ice can be applied to help with the bruising or swelling.  

How long do tear trough fillers last?  

The results aren’t permanent but they are long-lasting. Generally, they will last from six months up to eighteen months, depending on the individual and certain factors like age, skin type, and lifestyle.   

Can the tear trough filler treatment be removed?  

If you are not happy with the results of the tear trough filler treatment, it can be removed. A dissolving enzyme treatment can be applied which instantaneously dissolves the filler. If you are interested in tear trough filler treatment, you can make an appointment with a specialist. 

Who is not suitable for tear trough filler?  

Most people are suitable candidates for tear trough fillers. You shouldn’t have tear trough filler if: 

you are allergic to any ingredients in the filler   you have an infection  you have consumed alcohol 24 hours before the appointment    you are pregnant or breastfeeding

What are the alternatives to trough filler treatment? 

For natural solutions, eye cream with caffeine can be used to reduce swelling and cosmetics can be used to improve this discolouration, for example, a thick concealer. If the area under the eye is severely baggy, eye bag removal surgery (blepharoplasty) may be a better option. This gives longer-term results, lasting for about ten years.  

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