
What is trichomoniasis?


Trichomoniasis (trich) is the world’s most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection (STI). In the UK there are few cases, and these tend to be clustered in urban areas, in particular London and Birmingham. It doesn’t often cause symptoms or problems, but it should be treated promptly.  



What causes trichomoniasis?


Trichomoniasis is caused by a one-celled parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. The parasite is usually spread by having unprotected sex, either penis to vagina or vagina to vagina, or by sharing sex toys. It can take up to a month after exposure to the parasite to develop an infection.  

However, the parasite does not seem to spread through oral sex, anal sex, kissing, hugging, or using the same toilet seat. 


Who is at risk of getting trichomoniasis?


Anyone who is sexually active can get trichomoniasis. Women are at a higher risk than men. Other risk factors include: 

Having a partner who has tested positive for trichomoniasis  Having multiple sexual partners  A previous STI (trichomoniasis or another) Having unprotected sexual intercourse  


What are the symptoms?


Many people with trichomoniasis will experience no symptoms at all.

Where it affects women, it can cause: 

vaginal itching or soreness  a foul-smelling discharge that is grey, green, yellow, or white  discomfort in the lower abdomen  

In men, although symptoms are less common, it can cause: 

soreness or redness around the head of the penis  a discharge that is thick and white 

Finally, both men and women may experience pain when urinating. 

In very rare cases, trichomoniasis can lead to complications in pregnant women such as premature birth or low birth weight. 


When should you seek medical attention for trichomoniasis?


If you suspect you might have trichomoniasis or another STI, you can visit your GP or local sexual health clinic. If a sexual partner has tested positive, you should also be tested.  


How is trichomoniasis diagnosed?


Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, examine your genitals and take a swab from the vagina or penis to test in the laboratory. If you are diagnosed with trichomoniasis and you have a partner, they should also be tested. 


Can trichomoniasis go away on its own?


It is unlikely that trichomoniasis will go without treatment. Although it may clear up in rare cases, without treatment there is a risk of passing on the infection to others and it can lead to complications in pregnancy. 


How can trichomoniasis be prevented?


You cannot prevent trichomoniasis if you have sex, but you can reduce your chances of infection by wearing a condom, and always washing sex toys after use. 


How is trichomoniasis treated?


The most common form of treatment is to take antibiotics for a period of about a week, usually metronidazole, tinidazole, or secnidazole. The dosage will depend on whether or not you are pregnant. It’s important during this time not to have sexual intercourse or you risk becoming infected again. 


Who treats trichomoniasis?


A GP or gynaecologist can diagnose and prescribe medication to treat trichomoniasis. 

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